Publications since 1997 in arXiv.
Publication reviewed in
Math Reviews.
A PDF file with my
publication list.
An annotated bibliography on the Heisenberg and related models compiled by Tom Kennedy and Bruno Nachtergaele:The Heisenberg Model Bibliography.
This research is supported by the
National Science Foundation
under the following grants:
DMS 1813149:
Quasi-locality properties of quantum many-body dynamics and applications.
DMS 1515850:
Dynamics, Ground States, and Elementary Excitations of Quantum Many-Body Systems.
DMS 1009502:
Dynamics and Ground States in Quantum Statistical Mechanics.
DMS 0757581:
FRG: Collaborative Research: Quantum Spin Systems.
Theory and Applications in Quantum Computation.
DMS 0605342:
Equilibrium and Non-Equilibrium Quantum Statistical Mechanics.
DMS 0303316:
Equilibrium and Non-Equilibrium Quantum Statistical Mechanics.
DMS 0070774:
Quantum Statistical Mechanics of Lattice Systems.
DMS 9706599:
Quantum Statistical Mechanics of Lattice Systems.
Other NSF grants:
DMS 1838991:
Workshops on Mathematical Challenges in Many-Body Physics and Quantum Information.
DMS 1813177:
Mathematical Challenges in Many-Body Physics and Quantum Information: CRM Thematic Program.
DMS 1359558:
The Mathematics of Quantum Theory.
DMS 0135345:
Vertical Integration of Research and Education in the Mathematical Sciences - VIGRE:
Research Focus Groups in Mathematics.
DMS 0306887:
XIV International Congress on Mathematical Physics; July 28 - August 2, 2003; Lisbon,
Portugal; Travel Funds.
DMS 0555031:
U.S.-Brazil Workshop: XVth International Congress on
Mathematical Physics, August 5 - August 11, 2006, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
DMS 0636297:
EMSW21-VIGRE: Focus on Mathematics.
DMS 0855460:
XVIth International Congress on Mathematical Physics, August 1 -- 8, 2009, Prague,
Czech Republic.