Portrait photo Greg Kuperberg

I am a Professor in the Mathematics Department at UC Davis.

I am on sabbatical in France for academic year 2022-23.



Research interests: Quantum algebra, geometric topology, quantum information theory, convex geometry, combinatorics

My publications (Google Scholar) and CV
Unfinished notes on quantum probability, and a 2005 version
Department profile
Front for the arXiv (currently down)


Dongseok Kim (late) (2003)
Chris Bumgardner (2011)
Sonya Berg (2012)
Rohit Thomas (2012)
Steven Lu (2014)
  Eric Samperton (2018)
Colin Hagemeyer (2018)
Shuang Ming (2019)
Nate Gallup (2019)
Robert Sanders (2019)
  Haihan Wu
Austin Tran
Rui Okada
Sanchayan Dutta
Daniel Tobias


Scott Aaronson
Adam Bouland
Alex Arkhipov
Matthew Baker
Jason Cantarella
Noam Elkies
David Eppstein
Bruce Fontaine
Dan Gordon
Rahul Jain
  Joel Kamnitzer
Iordanis Kerenidis
Mikhail Khovanov
Benoît Kloeckner
Robert König
Krystyna Kuperberg
Włodzimierz Kuperberg
Robert Kusner
Michael Larsen
  Shachar Lovett
Saeed Mehraban
Shuang Ming
Ron Peled
James Propp
Ben Reichardt
Eric Samperton
Miklos Santha
Or Sattath
  Oded Schramm (late)
Farbod Shokrieh
Joel Spencer
John Sullivan
Dylan Thurston
Nik Weaver
Shenghu Zhang
Günter Ziegler
Michael Zieve


Our mathematical floors
Pinky RSI

Some relatives

Rena Zieve, my wife
Nicholas Zieve, our son
Vivian Kuperberg, our daughter
Yuval Wigderson, our son-in-law
Krystyna Kuperberg, my mother
Włodzimierz Kuperberg, my father
Anna Kuperberg, my sister
  Mike Zieve, my brother-in-law
Carla Johnson, my (late) sister-in-law
Franklin Zieve, my father-in-law
Sandra Zieve, my mother-in-law
Andrzej Trybulec, a (late) uncle
Alicia Belzberg, a 1st cousin
  Sandy Lee, a 1st cousin
Margareta Linden, a 1st cousin
Henry Kuperberg, a 1st cousin
Michał Trybulec, a 1st cousin
Wojciech Trybulec, a 1st cousin
Leslie Zieve, a (late) grandfather-in-law

Former roommates

College:  Xiang-Dong Yang Pehr Harbury Eric Kramer Jim Matthews Robert Morris
Grad school:  Doug Jungreis Chris Mullin Fred Rieke Rena Zieve
Misc summer:  Constantine Costes David desJardins Noam Elkies Stephen Vavasis