General Profile


Elbridge Gerry Puckett

Applied Mathematics, Scientific Computing, Computational Geodynamics
Ph.D., 1987, University of California, Berkeley

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Office: MSB 3107

Research Interests

My research interests lie in the area of Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing. Historically much of my research has been in the area of Computational Fluid Dynamics. I am probably best known for developing and using high-order accurate Volume-of-Fluid methods. These are numerical algorithms for modeling the time evolution of the interface between two or more materials. Typically the evolution of the interface is determined by a solution of the equations of motion governing the flow of a fluid such as the Compressible Euler equations (Gas Dynamics) or the Incompressible Euler or Navier-Stokes equations. However the interface could arise in some other context such as jetting or semiconductor device manufacturing (e.g., photolithography or ion milling).  Examples of problems I have worked on include the Shock Wave Refraction at the interface between two gases, the impact of two solids in the hydrostatic limit, (e.g., meteorite impact) and microscale jetting (e.g., ink jet printing). My most widely cited paper concerns the development of the Coupled Level Set Volume-of-Fluid (CLSVOF) method. (This was work with Mark Sussman, one of the pioneers in the use of Level Set Methods for modeling the motion of interfaces in Incompressible flows.)  Since 2013 / 14 I have been primarily concerned with problems that arise in the field of Computational Geodynamics. This work is includes the development of high resolution advection methods in the open source community code ASPECT (Advanced Solver for Planetary Evolution, Convection, and Tectonics).

Selected Publications

Rene GassmöllerJuliane Dannberg, Wolfgang Bangerth, Elbridge Gerry Puckett, Cedric Thieulot "Benchmarking the accuracy of higher-order particle methods in geodynamic models of transient flow" Geoscientific Model Development, Volume 17, Issue 10, May 2024, Pages 4115–4134,

Rene Gassmöller,, Harsha LokavarapuWolfgang Bangerth, Elbridge Gerry Puckett "Evaluating the accuracy of hybrid finite element/particle-in-cell methods for modelling incompressible Stokes flow" Geophysical Journal International, Volume 219, Issue 3, December 2019, Pages 1915–1938,

E.G. Puckett, D.L. Turcotte, Y. He, H. Lokavarapu, J.M. Robey, and L.H. Kellogg. "New numerical approaches for modeling thermochemical convection in a compositionally stratified fluid," Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 276: 10-35, 2018

 Y. He, E. G. Puckett, and M. I. Billen "A Discontinuous Galerkin Method with a Bound Preserving Limiter for Stable Advection of non-Diffusive Fields in Solid Earth Geodynamics" Phys. Earth. Planet. In., Volume 263, Issue 3, December 2017, Pages 23–37,

J. M. Robey and E.G. Puckett. "Implementation of a Volume-of-Fluid method in a finite element code with applications to thermochemical convection in a density stratified fluid in the Earth’s mantle" Computers & Fluids Volume 190, 15 August 2019, Pages 217-253

E.G. Puckett and J. E. Pilliod. "Second-Order Accurate Volume-of-Fluid Algorithms for Tracking Material Interfaces", J. Comput. Phys., 199(2): 465-502, September 2004,

M. Sussman, E.G. Puckett. "A Coupled Level Set and Volume-of-Fluid Method for Computing 3D and Axisymmetric Incompressible Two-Phase Flows" Journal of Computational Physics" Volume 162, Issue 2, 10 August 2000, Pages 301-337

G.H. Miller and E.G. Puckett. "A High-Order Godunov Method for Multiple Condensed Phases," J. Comput. Phys. 128,(1): 134-164, 1996, Full Text.

G.H. Miller and E.G. Puckett. "Edge Effects in Molybdenum-Encapsulated Molten Silicate Shock Wave Targets" J. Appl. Physics, 75(3): 1426-1435, 1994, Full Text.

L.F. Henderson, P. Colella, and E.G. Puckett. "On the Refraction of Shock Waves at a Slow-Fast Gas Interface" J. Fluid Mech., 224: 1-27, 1991, Full Text.

Last updated: 2025-02-04