Abstracts, Sixth Biannual Bay Area Discrete Math Day
Abstracts for The Bay Area Discrete Math
Day, Spring 2003
- 10:00-11:00 Craig Tracy
(UC Davis)
A Limit Theorem for Shifted Schur Measure
To each partition
with distinct parts we assign the probability
Qλ(x) Pλ(y)/Z
where Qλ and Pλ are the
Schur Q-functions and Z is a normalization constant. This measure,
which we call the shifted Schur measure, is analogous
to the much-studied Schur measure. For the specialization of
the first m coordinates of x and the first n coordinates
of y equal to α (0 < α < 1)
and the rest equal to zero, we derive a limit law for
m,n → ∞ with m/n fixed. For the Schur measure the
α-specialization limit law was derived by Johansson. Our main
result implies that the two limit laws are identical.
This work is joint work with Harold Widom.
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- 11:10-11:40 Ezra Miller
Unfolding polyhedra in many dimensions
It is unknown at present whether the boundary of every 3-polytope
can be unfolded onto the plane after cutting along some of its
edges. However, if the cuts are allowed to pass through interiors
of faces, then unfoldings are known to exist, and algorithms for
constructing them are important in robotics and computer graphics.
This talk generalizes to arbitrary dimension the constructions and
algorithms for unfolding convex polyhedral boundaries, with cuts
through facets allowed. Analyzing the complexity of the algorithms
raises fundamental enumerative questions concerning metric geometry
of polytopes. This work is joint with Igor Pak.
- 12:10-12:40 Mark Cooke (Network Appliance)
Simulated Annealing and Combinatorial Problems
Simulated annealing is a popular heuristic that is often presented as an
alternative to backtracking and integer programming techniques. I will
present recent work on combining simulated annealing with these methods to
solve difficult combinatorial problems. I will present a case
study in optimizing cruise line promotions, emphasizing the engineering
aspects of the solution approach. I will also discuss recent work in exploring
Gray codes, including the approach used to find the first 8-bit Beckett-Gray codes.
- 2:00-3:00 Peter Littelmann
(Universität Wuppertal/MSRI)
LS-galleries, the affine grassmann variety and the path model
We present a new version of the path model
for representations of a semisimple group G. We replace in
the new setting the LS-paths by certain galleries in the affine Coxeter
complex. Using the corresponding affine building, we associate in
a canonical way to the model some finite dimensional projective varieties
in the affine grassmann variety associated to G. It turns out that these
are precisely the cycles investigated by Mirkovic and Vilonen
in their proof of a geometric version of the Satake isomorphism.
- 3:15-3:45 Joseph Gubeladze (San Francisco State University)
Unimodular triangulations and covers of multiples of polytopes
The Knudson-Mumford classical result says that all
high multiples of a convex lattice polytope have unimodular
triangulations. I will discuss the algebra related to this result (in toric
geometry, commutative algebra) as well as an effective version of a weaker
claim on unimodular covers. This constitutes my joint work with Winfried
Bruns. Finally, I will explain why one can hope for an "effective
(still not proved) - for every natural number d there is a natural number
c_d such that
c_d P has a unimodular triangulation for arbitrary d-dimensional lattice polytope P.
- 4:15-5:15 Mark Haiman
(UC Berkeley)
Diagonal coinvariants for Weyl groups
The coinvariant ring for a finite group G acting on a
vector space V is the quotient of the polynomial ring k[V] by
the ideal generated by G-invariant polynomials without constant
term. Recently I proved that for the "diagonal" action of the
symmetric group Sn on two copies H&oplus H of its natural
representation H, the coinvariant ring has dimension
(n+1)(n-1). Earlier I had conjectured that the corresponding
number for a Weyl group W acting diagonally should be (h+1)r,
where h is the Coxeter number and r is the rank -- provided
that in general the space with this dimension is not the
coinvariant ring itself, but some naturally occuring proper
quotient of it. Iain Gordon has proved my conjecture using
representation theory of Cherednik algebras. I will explain the
background material and Gordon's result.
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