Research Interests
My research interests range from algebraic combinatorics,
representation theory to mathematical physics.
I have been interested in combinatorial properties
of quantum algebras. Quantum algebras have their roots in two dimensional
solvable lattice models in statistical mechanics. Kashiwara showed
that at zero temperature the quantum algebras exhibit
beautiful combinatorial properties. Mathematically these are
formulated in the crystal base theory. Particularly nice crystals are
Kirillov-Reshetikhin crystals; they are affine finite-dimensional crystals
that can be used in the Kyoto path model to construct highest weight affine
crystals. They are also in close relation to Demazure crystals as shown in
work with Fourier and Shimozono. Together with Okado and Fourier, I recently
showed that all Kirillov-Reshetikhin crystals of nonexceptional
types exist and constructed them combinatorially exploiting certain
automorphisms of the affine Dynkin diagrams. With Kirillov and Shimozono
I have established a relation between crystal
base theory and other combinatorial objects, called rigged configurations,
which also arise from physics. A generalization of this result provides
new fermionic formulas of the physical partition sums which, as follows by
work of the Stony Brook group, encapture the statistics of the particle in
the physics model (actually these statistics are similar to those found in
the fractional quantum Hall effect;
see here).
In terms of q-series these yield generalizations of the famous
Rogers-Ramanujan identities.
I am also part of the Focused Research Group on
Affine Schubert Calculus: Combinatorial, geometric, physical, and computational aspects
funded by the NSF. More information can be found at the FRG website.
I am especially fond of understanding relations between
different areas in mathematics and mathematical physics.
Often this helps to unravel hard problems in one area by
exploiting the techniques of another area. I have also contributed to
the open-source computer package Sage
through Sage-Combinat
by implementing crystal bases and Kirillov-Reshetikhin crystals
(I previously contributed to MuPAD-Combinat).
If you want to learn more on how to use crystals in Sage, there is a thematic tutorial on
Lie methods and related combinatorics
written in collaboration with Dan Bump from Stanford.
(Parabolic) quantum Bruhat graphs for A2 and A3 with J={1}
Some of my papers
Google Scholar
Crystal skeletons and their axioms
with Sarah Brauner, Sylvie Corteel, Zajj Daugherty
Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire (2025), to appear
Complexity of finite semigroups: History and decidability
with Stuart Margolis, John Rhodes
preprint arXiv:2501.00770
Hook-valued tableaux uncrowding and tableau switching
with Jihyeug Jang, Jang Soo Kim, Jianping Pan, Joseph Pappe
preprint arXiv:2410.18343
A hidden symmetry of refined canonical stable Grothendieck polynomials
with Jihyeug Jang, Jang Soo Kim, Jianping Pan, Joseph Pappe
Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire (2025), to appear
Decidability of Krohn-Rhodes complexity for all finite semigroups and automata
with Stuart Margolis, John Rhodes
preprint arXiv:2406.18477
The Combinatorial Theory flip
Notices of the AMS 72 (1) (2025) 74-77
The lattice of submonoids of the uniform block permutations containing the symmetric group
with Rosa Orellana, Franco Saliola, Mike Zabrocki
Semigroup Forum (2025) ( arXiv:2405.09710 )
The immersion poset on partitions
with Lisa Johnston, David Kenepp, Evuilynn Nguyen, Digjoy Paul, Mary Claire Simone, Regina Zhou
J. Alg. Combinatorics 61, 21 (2025) 61, 21 ( arXiv:2404.07393 )
From quasi-symmetric to Schur expansions with applications to symmetric chain decompositions and plethysm
with Rosa Orellana, Franco Saliola, Mike Zabrocki
Electronic J. Comb. 31(4) (2024) #P4.23 ( arXiv:2404.04512 )
Dimensions of splines of degree two
with Shaheen Nazir, Julianna Tymoczko
preprint arXiv:2309.11650
Promotion for fans of Dyck paths
with Joseph Pappe, Stephan Pfannerer, Mary Claire Simone
Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire 89B (2023) Article #20, 12 pp
with Toufik Mansour
ECA 3:2 (2023) Interview #S3I5 ( )
Promotion and growth diagrams for fans of Dyck paths and vacillating tableaux
with Joseph Pappe, Stephan Pfannerer, Mary Claire Simone
J. Algebra 655 (2024) 1, 794-842 ( arXiv:2212.13588 )
The mystery of plethysm coefficients
with Laura Colmenarejo, Rosa Orellana, Franco Saliola, Mike Zabrocki
Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics (PSPUM) 110 (2024), 275-292 ( arXiv:2208.07258 )
The Burge correspondence and crystal graphs
with Joseph Pappe, Digjoy Paul
European J. Comb. 108 (2023) 103640 ( arXiv:2204.06751 )
Plethysm and the algebra of uniform block permutations
with Rosa Orellana, Franco Saliola, Mike Zabrocki
Algebraic Combinatorics 5 (2022) 5, 1165-1203 ( arXiv:2112:13909 )
Decidability of Krohn-Rhodes complexity c=1 of finite semigroups and automata
with Stuart Margolis, John Rhodes
preprint arXiv:2110.10373
An area-depth symmetric q,t-Catalan polynomial
with Joseph Pappe, Digjoy Paul
Electronic J. Comb. 29(2) (2022), #P2.13
( arXiv:2109.06300 )
Uncrowding algorithm for hook-valued tableaux
with Jianping Pan, Joseph Pappe, Wencin Poh
Annals of Combinatorics 26 (2022), 261-301 ( arXiv:2012.14975 )
Mixing time for Markov chain on linear extensions
with John Rhodes
Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire 85B (2021) Article #27, 12 pp.
Upper bounds on mixing time of finite Markov chains
with John Rhodes
SIAM J. on Discrete Mathematics 36(4) (2022), 3031-3057 ( arXiv:2010.08879 )
Holonomy theorem for finite semigroups
with John Rhodes, Pedro V. Silva
International Journal of Algebra and Computation 32(3) (2022), 443-460 ( arXiv:2007.15552 )
Markov chains through semigroup graph expansions (a survey)
with John Rhodes
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol 345. Springer, Singapore.
( arXiv:2006.00895 )
A crystal on decreasing factorizations in the 0-Hecke monoid
with Jennifer Morse, Jianping Pan, Wencin Poh
Electronic J. Comb. 27(2) (2020), #P2.29 ( arXiv:1911.08732 )
Crystal for Stable Grothendieck polynomials
Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire 84B (2020) Article #33, 12 pp
Generalized q,t-Catalan numbers
with Eugene Gorsky, Graham Hawkes, Anne Schilling, Julianne Rainbolt
Algebraic Combinatorics 3(4) (2020) 855-886 ( arXiv:1905.10973 )
An insertion algorithm on multiset partitions with applications to diagram algebras
with Laura Colmenarejo, Rosa Orellana, Franco Saliola, Mike Zabrocki
J. Algebra 557 no. 1, (2020), 97-128 ( arXiv:1905.02071 )
An insertion algorithm for diagram algebras
Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire 84B (2020) Article #48, 12 pp
Normal distributions of finite Markov chains
with John Rhodes
International Journal of Algebra and Computation 29, no. 8, (2019) 1431-1449
( arXiv:1902.01042 )
Queer supercrystals in SageMath
with Wencin Poh
Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire
82B (2019) #102, 11pp
Combinatorial characterization of queer supercrystals (survey)
with Maria Gillespie, Graham Hawkes, Wencin Poh
Bahar Acu et al. (eds.),
Advances in Mathematical Sciences,
Association for Women in Mathematics Series 21
Characterization of queer supercrystals
with Maria Gillespie, Graham Hawkes, Wencin Poh
J. Combinatorial Theory, Series A 173 (2020) 105235 ( arXiv:1809.04647 )
Unified theory for finite Markov chains
with John Rhodes
Advances in Mathematics 347 (2019) 739-779 ( arXiv:1711.10689 )
A minimaj-preserving crystal on ordered multiset partitions
with Georgia Benkart, Laura Colmenarejo, Pamela E. Harris, Rosa Orellana, Greta Panova, Martha Yip
Advances in Applied Math. 95 (2018) 96-115 ( arXiv:1707.08709 )
Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire
80B (2018) #12, 12pp
Rigged configuration bijection and proof of the X=M conjecture for nonexceptional affine types
with Masato Okado and Travis Scrimshaw
J. Algebra 516 (2018) 1-37 ( arXiv:1707.04876 )
A Demazure crystal construction for Schubert polynomials
with Sami Assaf
Algebraic Combinatorics 1(2) (2018) 225-247 ( arXiv:1705.09649 )
Crystal analysis of type C Stanley symmetric functions
with Graham Hawkes and Kirill Paramonov
Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire 78B (2017) #8, 12 pp
Electronic J. Comb. 24(3) (2017) #P3.51
( arXiv:1704.00889 )
Crystal Bases: Representations and Combinatorics
with Daniel Bump
World Scientific, 2017,
ISBN: 978-981-4733-43-4, 292pp
MAA review of the book!
Local limit of the fixed point forest
with Tobias Johnson and Erik Slivken
Electronic Journal of Probability 22 (2017), paper no. 18, 1-26 ( arXiv:1605.09777 [math.PR] )
Affine crystals, Macdonald polynomials, and combinatorial models; extended abstract
with Cristian Lenart, Satoshi Naito, Daisuke Sagaki, Mark Shimozono
Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl. 62 (2017), 1, 113-135
The semaphore codes attached to a Turing machine via resets and their various limits
with John Rhodes and Pedro V. Silva
International Journal of Algebra and Computation 26(4) (2016) 675-704 ( arXiv:1604.00959 [math.GR] )
Type D_n^{(1)} rigged configuration bijection
with Masato Okado, Reiho Sakamoto, Travis Scrimshaw
Journal of Algebraic Combinatoris 46 (2017) 341-401 ( arXiv:1603.08121 [math.QA] )
A uniform model for Kirillov-Reshetikhin crystals III: Nonsymmetric Macdonald polynomials at t=0 and Demazure characters
with Cristian Lenart, Satoshi Naito, Daisuke Sagaki, Mark Shimozono
Transformation Groups 22(4) (2017) 1041-1079 ( arXiv:1511.00465 [math.QA] )
Random walks on semaphore codes and delay de Bruijn semigroups
with John Rhodes and Pedro V. Silva
International Journal of Algebra and Computation 26(4) (2016) 635-673 ( arXiv:1509.03383 [math.GR] )
Braid moves in commutation classes of the symmetric group
with Nicolas M. ThiƩry, Graham White, Nathan Williams
European J. Combin. 62 (2017) 15-34 ( arXiv:1507.00656 [math.CO] )
Explicit description of the degree function in terms of quantum Lakshmibai-Seshadri paths
with Cristian Lenart, Satoshi Naito, Daisuke Sagaki, Mark Shimozono
Toyama Math. Journal 37 (2015) 107-130
( arXiv:1504.04707 [math.QA] )
Affine charge and the k-bounded Pieri rule
with Jennifer Morse
DMCTS proc FPSAC'15 (2015) 405-416
Spectral gap for random-to-random shuffling on linear extensions
with Arvind Ayyer and Nicolas M. Thiery
Experimental Math. 26(1) (2017) 22-30
( arXiv:1412.7488 [math.PR] )
Crystal structure on rigged configurations and the filling map
with Travis Scrimshaw
Electronic J.
Combinatorics 22(1) (2015) #P1.73
( arXiv:1409.2920 [math.CO] )
Crystal approach to affine Schubert calculus
with Jennifer Morse
International Mathematics Research Notices 2016(8) (2016) 2239-2294
( arXiv:1408.0320 [math.CO] )
Richard Stanley through a crystal lens and from a random angle
in: The Mathematical Legacy of Richard P. Stanley, AMS 2016, edited by P. Hersh, T. Lam, P. Pylyavskyy, V. Reiner, pp. 287-299 ( arXiv:1405.2966 [math.CO] )
A uniform model for Kirillov-Reshetikhin crystals II. Alcove model, path model, and P=X
with Cristian Lenart, Satoshi Naito, Daisuke Sagaki, and Mark Shimozono
International Mathematics Research Notices 2017(14) (2017) 4259-4319 ( arXiv:1402.2203 [math.QA] )
Markov chains, R-trivial monoids and representation theory
with Arvind Ayyer, Benjamin Steinberg, and Nicolas M. Thiery
International Journal of Algebra and Computation 25 (2015) 69-231
( arXiv:1401.4250 [math.CO] )
Flag Gromov-Witten invariants via crystals
with Jennifer Morse
DMTCS proc. AT (2014) 489-500
Quantum Lakshmibai-Seshadri paths and root operators
with Cristian Lenart, Satoshi Naito, Daisuke Sagaki, and Mark Shimozono
Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics (Mathematical Society of Japan, Tokyo) 71 (2016), Schubert Calculus - Osaka 2012, pp. 267-294
( arXiv:1308.3529 [math.QA] )
Markov chains for promotion operators
with Arvind Ayyer and Steven Klee
Fields Institute Communications
71 (2014) 285-304 (Springer)
( arXiv:1307.7499 [math.PR] )
Directed nonabelian sandpile models on trees
with Arvind Ayyer, Benjamin Steinberg, Nicolas M. Thiery
Communications Math. Physics 335 (2015) 1065-1098
( arXiv.1305.1697 [math.PR] )
k-Schur functions and affine Schubert calculus
with Thomas Lam, Luc Lapointe, Jennifer Morse, Mark Shimozono, and Mike Zabrocki
Fields Institute Monographs 33 (Springer),
ISBN 978-1-4939-0682-6 (eBook)
( arXiv.1301.3569 [math.CO] )
A uniform model for Kirillov-Reshetikhin crystals. Extended abstract.
with Cristian Lenart, Satoshi Naito, Daisuke Sagaki, and Mark Shimozono
DMTCS proc AS (2013) 25-36 ( arXiv.1211.6019 [math.QA] )
A uniform model for Kirillov-Reshetikhin crystals I: Lifting the parabolic quantum Bruhat graph
with Cristian Lenart, Satoshi Naito, Daisuke Sagaki, and Mark Shimozono
International Mathematics Research Notices
2015(7):1848-1901. ( arXiv.1211.2042 [math.QA] )
Combinatorial Markov chains on linear extensions
with Arvind Ayyer and Steven Klee
J. Algebraic Combinatorics,
39(4) (2014) 853-881
( arXiv:1205.7074 [math.CO] )
A combinatorial formula for fusion coefficients
with Jennifer Morse
DMTCS proc
AR (2012) 735-744
( arXiv:1207.0786 [math.CO] )
Affine crystal structure on rigged configurations of type D_n^(1)
with Masato Okado and Reiho Sakamoto
J. Algebraic Combinatorics,
37(3) (2013) 571-599
( arXiv:1109.3523 [math.QA] )
Crystal energy functions via the charge in types A and C
with Cristian Lenart
Mathematische Zeitschrift,
273(1) (2013) 401-426
( arXiv:1107.4169 [math.CO] )
DMTCS proc
AR (2012) 9-20 (FPSAC version)
Symmetric chain decomposition for cyclic quotients of Boolean algebras and relation to cyclic crystals
with Patricia Hersh
International Mathematics Research Notices 2013 (2) 463-473
( arXiv:1107.4073 [math.CO] )
Demazure crystals, Kirillov-Reshetikhin crystals, and the energy function
with Peter Tingley
The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 19(2) (2012) P2
( arXiv:1104.2359 [math.QA] )
DMTCS proc
AO (2011) 861-872 (FPSAC version)
The biHecke monoid of a finite Coxeter group and its representations
with Florent Hivert and Nicolas Thiery
Algebra and Number Theory Journal 7(3) (2013) 595-671
( arXiv:1012.1361 [math.CO] )
On the representation theory of finite J-trivial monoids
with Tom Denton, Florent Hivert, Nicolas Thiery
Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, B64d (2011), 44 pp
( arXiv:1010.3455 [math.RT] )
The Murnaghan-Nakayama rule for k-Schur functions
with Jason Bandlow and Mike Zabrocki
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 118(5) (2011) 1588-1607
( arXiv:1004.4886 [math.C0] )
DMTCS proc
AO (2011) 99-110 (FPSAC version)
Oberwolfach Report
The biHecke monoid of a finite Coxeter group
with Florent Hivert and Nicolas Thiery
DMTCS proc
AN (2010) 307-318 ( arXiv:0912.2212 [math.CO] )
Affine structures and a tableau model for E_6 crystals
with Brant Jones
J. Algebra 324 (2010) 2512-2542
( arXiv:0909.2442 [math.CO] )
DMTCS proc
AN (2010) 785-796 (FPSAC version)
Promotion operator on rigged configurations of type A
with Qiang Wang
The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 17 Issue 1 (2010) R24
( arXiv:0908.2458 [math.CO] )
K-theory Schubert calculus of the affine Grassmannian
with Thomas Lam and Mark Shimozono
Compositio Mathematica 146 Issue 4 (2010) 811-852 ( arXiv:0901.1506 [math.CO] )
Perfectness of Kirillov-Reshetikhin crystals for nonexceptional types
with Ghislain Fourier and Masato Okado
Contemp. Math. 506 (2010) 127-143 ( arXiv:0811.1604 [math.RT] )
DMTCS proc AK (2009) 426-439 (FPSAC version)
Kirillov-Reshetikhin crystals for nonexceptional types
with Ghislain Fourier and Masato Okado
Advances in Mathematics
222 Issue 3 (2009) 1080-1116
( arXiv:0810.5067 [math.RT] )
On the uniqueness of promotion operators on tensor products of type A crystals
with Jason Bandlow and Nicolas Thiery
J. Algebraic Combinatorics
31 (2010) 217-251
( arXiv:0806.3131 [math.CO] )
Hecke group algebras as quotients of affine Hecke algebras at level 0
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 116 (2009) 844-863
( arXiv:0804.3781 [math.RT] )
Hecke group algebras as degenerate affine Hecke algebras
DMTCS proc AJ (2008) 611-624
with Florent Hivert and Nicolas Thiery
Schubert Polynomials for the affine Grassmannian of the symplectic group
with Thomas Lam and Mark Shimozono
Mathematische Zeitschrift 264(4) (2010) 765-811
( arXiv:0710.2720 [math.CO] )
The forgotten monoid
with Jean-Christophe Novelli
RIMS Kokyuroku Bessatsu B8 (2008) 71-83
( arXiv:0706.2996 [math.CO] )
Existence of Kirillov-Reshetikhin crystals for nonexceptional types
with Masato Okado
Representation Theory 12 (2008) 186-207
( arXiv:0706.2224 [math.QA] )
Combinatorial structure of Kirillov-Reshetikhin crystals of type D_n(1), B_n(1), A_{2n-1}(2)
J. Algebra
319 (2008) 2938-2962
( arXiv:0704.2046 [math.QA] )
Demazure structure inside Kirillov-Reshetikhin crystals
with Ghislain Fourier and Mark Shimozono
J. Algebra
309 (2007) 386-404
( math.QA/0605451 )
X=M Theorem: Fermionic formulas and rigged configurations under review
MSJ Memoirs 17 (2007) 75-104 (published by the Mathematical Society of Japan)
( math.QA/0512161 )
Virtual crystal structure on rigged configurations
Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics, San Diego, California 2006
( pdf file )
New fermionic formula for unrestricted Kostka polynomials
with Lipika Deka
J. Combinatorial Theory, Series A
113 (2006) 1435-1461
( math.CO/0509194 )
Crystal structure on rigged configurations
International Mathematics Research Notices, Volume 2006,
Article ID 97376, Pages 1-27
( math.QA/0508107 )
Non-unitary minimal models, Bailey's lemma and N=1,2 superconformal
with Lipika Deka
Commun. Math. Phys. 260 (2005) 711-725
( math-ph/0412084 )
X=M for symmetric powers
with Mark Shimozono
J. Algebra 295 (2006) 562-610
( math.QA/0412376 )
A simple introduction to crystals B^{2,s} for Kirillov-Reshetikhin modules of type D_n^{(1)}
with Philip Sternberg
in: A. Kuniba, M. Okado (Eds.), RIMS Kokyuroku 1429
"Combinatorial Aspect of Integrable Systems", to appear.
( postscript file )
Finite-dimensional crystals B^{2,s} for quantum affine algebras of type D_n^{(1)}
with Philip Sternberg
J. Alg. Combin. 23 (2006) 317-354
( math.QA/0408113 )
A bijection between type D_n^{(1)} crystals and rigged configurations
J. Algebra 285 (2005) 292-334
( math.QA/0406248 )
Supplementary Notes
Rigged configurations and the Bethe Ansatz
in: B. Lulek, T. Lulek and A. Wal (Eds), "Symmetry and Structural Properties
of Condensed Matter", Vol. 7, World Scientific, Singapore 2003; pp. 201-224
( math-ph/0210014 )
Virtual crystals and Kleber's algorithm
with Masato Okado and Mark Shimozono
Commun. Math. Phys.
238 (2003) 187-209
( math.QA/0209082 )
A crystal to rigged configuration bijection for nonexceptional affine
with Masato Okado and Mark Shimozono
"Algebraic Combinatorics and Quantum Groups", Edited by N. Jing, World Scientific (2003), 85-124
( math.QA/0203163 )
A tensor product theorem related to perfect crystals
with Masato Okado and Mark Shimozono
J. Algebra 267 (2003) 212-245
( math.QA/0111288 )
q-Supernomial coefficients: From riggings to ribbons
in: MathPhys Odyssey 2001, M. Kashiwara and T. Miwa (eds.),
Birkhaeuser Boston, Cambridge, MA, 2002, pp. 437-454
( math.CO/0107214 )
Virtual crystals and fermionic formulas of type $D_{n+1}^{(2)}$,
$A_{2n}^{(2)}$, and $C_n^{(1)}$
with Masato Okado and Mark Shimozono
Representation Theory
7 (2003) 101-163
( math.QA/0105017 )
Crystal bases and q-identities
with Masato Okado and Mark Shimozono
Contemp. Math. 291 (2001) 29-53
( math.QA/0104268 )
Branching formula for q-Littlewood--Richardson coefficients
with Mark Shimozono and Dennis E. White
Advances in Applied Mathematics 30 (2003) 258-272
( postscript file )
Fermionic formulas for level-restricted generalized Kostka polynomials
and coset branching functions
with Mark Shimozono
Commun. Math. Phys. 220 (2001) 105-164
( math.QA/0001114 )
New expressions for level-restricted Kostka polynomials
with Mark Shimozono
in: Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics,
D. Krob, A.A. Mikhalev, A.V. Mikhalev (eds.),
12th International conference, FPSAC'00, Moscow, Russia, June 2000,
Proceedings, Springer Verlag Berlin/Heidelberg 2000, pp. 367-378.
( postscript file )
A generalization of the $q$-Saalschütz sum and the Burge transform
with S. Ole Warnaar
in: Physical Combinatorics, M. Kashiwara and T. Miwa (eds.),
Birkhaeuser Boston, Cambridge, MA, 2000, pp. 163-183.
( math.QA/9909044 )
Conjugate Bailey pairs.
From configuration sums and fractional-level string functions to
Bailey's lemma
with S. Ole Warnaar
Contemp. Math. 297 (2002) 227-255
( math.QA/9906092 )
A bijection between Littlewood-Richardson tableaux and rigged configurations
with Anatol N. Kirillov and Mark Shimozono
Selecta Mathematica (N.S.) 8 (2002) 67-135
( math.CO/9901037 )
Various representations of the generalized Kostka polynomials
with Anatol N. Kirillov and Mark Shimozono
Seminaire Lotharingien de
Combinatoire 42 [B42j] (1999)
( postscript file )
Bosonic formula for level-restricted paths
with Mark Shimozono
Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics 28,
Combinatorial Methods in Representation Theory (2000) 305-325
( math.QA/9812106 )
An A$_2$ Bailey lemma and Rogers-Ramanujan-type identities
with George E. Andrews and S. Ole Warnaar
J. Amer. Math. Soc. 12 (1999) 677-702
( math.QA/9807125 )
Inhomogeneous lattice paths, generalized Kostka polynomials and
A$_{n-1}$ supernomials
with S. Ole Warnaar
Commun. Math. Phys. 202 (1999) 359-401
( math.QA/9802111 )
Bailey flows and Bose-Fermi identities for the conformal coset
models $(A_1^{(1)})_N\times (A_1^{(1)})_{N'}/(A_1^{(1)})_{N+N'}$
with Alexander Berkovich, Barry M. McCoy, and S. Ole Warnaar
Nucl. Phys. B499 [PM] (1997) 621-649
( hep-th/9702026 )
Supernomial coefficients, polynomial identities and $q$-series
with S. Ole Warnaar
The Ramanujan Journal 2 (1998) 459-494
( q-alg/9701007 )
Rogers-Schur-Ramanujan Type Identities for the $M(p,p')$
minimal models of Conformal Field Theory
with Alexander Berkovich and Barry M. McCoy
Commun. Math. Phys. 191 (1998) 325-395
( q-alg/9607020 )
A Higher-Level Bailey Lemma: Proof and Application
with S. Ole Warnaar
The Ramanujan Journal 2 (1998) 327-349
( q-alg/9607014 )
A Higher-level Bailey Lemma
with S. Ole Warnaar
Int. J. of Mod. Phys. B11 (1997) 189-195
( q-alg/9604015 )
$N=2$ Supersymmetry and Bailey Pairs
with Alexander Berkovich and Barry M. McCoy
Physica A 228 (1996) 33-62
( hep-th/9512182 )
Multinomials and Polynomial Bosonic Forms for the Branching Functions
of the $\widehat{su}(2)_M \times \widehat{su}(2)_N /
\widehat{su}(2)_{M+N}$ Conformal Coset Models
Nucl. Phys. B467 (1996) 247-271
( hep-th/9510168 )
Polynomial Fermionic Forms for the Branching Functions of the Rational
Coset Conformal Field Theories
$\widehat{su}(2)_M \times \widehat{su}(2)_N / \widehat{su}(2)_{M+N}$
Nucl. Phys. B459 (1996) 393-436
( hep-th/9508050 )
Multiplicative BRST renormalization of the $SU(2)$ Higgs model
with Peter van Nieuwenhuizen
Phys. Rev. D50 (1994) 967-970
( hep-th/9408125 )
Comments and questions are welcome:
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