Taylor-Kubo Formula for
Turbulent Diffusion in a Non-Mixing Flow with Long-Range Correlation
Bull. Pol. Acad. Sci. 48 (3)(2000), pp 253-275
(with T. Komorowski).
Gradient Elasticity Solution for a Mode III Crack in a Functionally
Graded Materials
Materials Science Forum Vols. 308-311 (1999),
pp. 971-976.
(with G.H. Paulino and
Y.-S. Chan)
The Crack Problem
for Nonhomogeneous Materials
Under Antiplane Shear Loading
--- A Displacement Based Formulation
Int. J. Solids
Structures 38:17 (2001), pp. 2989-3005.
(with Y.-S. Chan and G. H. Paulino).
Integral Equations with Hypersingular Kernels
-- Theory and Applications to Fracture Mechanics
Int. J. Num. Meth. Eng. (In press)
(with Y-S. Chan and G.H. Paulino)
Gradient Elasticity Theory for Mode III Fracture in Functionally
Graded Materials -- Part I.
J. Appl. Mech. (In press)
(with Y.-S. Chan and G. Paulino)