Strain Gradient Elasticity for Anti-Plane Shear Cracks:
A Hypersingular Integrodifferential Equation Approach
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 62:3(2002), pp. 1066-1091
(with Y.-S. Chan and G.H. Paulino).
Gradient Elasticity Theory for Mode I Crack in Functionally Graded Materials
Ceramic Transactions
114(2001), pp. 731-738.
(with Y.-S. Chan and G. H. Paulino).
Gradient Elasticity Theory for Mode III Fracture in Functionally
Graded Materials -- Part I: Crack Perpendicular to the Material
ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, in press (with
Y.-S. Chan and G.H. Paulino).
Gradient Elasticity Theory for Mode III Fracture in Functionally
Graded Materials -- Part II: Crack parallel to the Material
ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, in press (with
Y.-S. Chan and G.H. Paulino).
Change of Constitutive Relations Due to Interaction between Strain-Gradient
Effect and Material Gradation
ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, in press
(with Y.-S. Chan and G.H. Paulino)