MAT 168: Optimization
MWF 12:10-1:00pm, Hoagland 168
Office Hours
- Wednesday and Friday: 1:30-2:30pm, MSB 3226.
- TA: Ning Liu ( MSB 2137
Office hours: Monday(1:30-2:30pm)& Tuesday(12:30-1:30pm)
MAT 21C and 67(or 22A/108)
Nonlinear Optimization with Engineering Applications,
by Bartholomew-Biggs, 2008.
- Theory of unconstrained optimization
(Chap 2,4,12)
- Steepest descent (Chap 7)
- Wolfe's theory (Chap 8)
- Newton and Trust Region methods (Chap 9)
- Conjugate gradient methods (Chap 11)
- Theory of constrained optimization (Chap 16, 17, 20, 24)
- Penalty methods (Chap 18)
- Sequential quadratic programming (Chap 19)
- Barrier methods (Chap 22)
- Interior point methods (Chap 23)
- Midterms: Oct 19 (Friday) and Nov 14 (Wednesday)
- Final:Thu. Dec.13 at 10:30am
Grades homework (10%), 2 midterms (40%), Final (50%).
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