S. Granzier-Nakajima, R.D. Guy, C. Zhang-Molina
A Numerical Study of Metachronal Propulsion at Low
to Intermediate Reynolds Numbers, Fluids, Vol 5, no. 2: 86 (2020).
B. Thomases and R.D. Guy, "Polymer stress growth in viscoelastic fluids in oscillating extensional flows with applications to micro-organism locomotion", J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech., 269, (2019): 47-56.
D. Stein, R.D. Guy, and B. Thomases, "Convergent solutions of Stokes Oldroyd-B boundary value problems using the Immersed Boundary Smooth Extension (IBSE) method", J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech., 268, (2019): pp. 56-65.
C. Li, B. Thomases, R.D. Guy, "Orientation dependent elastic stress concentration at tips of slender objects translating in viscoelastic fluids", Physical Review Fluids 4, 031301(R), (2019).
C.A. Copos and R.D. Guy,
A porous viscoelastic model for the cell cytoskeleton, ANZIAM Journal,
Vol. 59, 472-498 (2018).
N.N. Nargis, R.C. Aldredge, R.D. Guy,
The influence of soluble fragments of extracellular matrix (ECM)
on tumor growth and morphology, Mathematical Biosciences,
Vol. 296, 1-16 (2018).
C. Li, B. Qin, A. Gopinath, P.E. Arratia,
B. Thomases, and R.D. Guy,
The role of body flexibility in stroke enhancements for finite-length
undulatory swimmers in viscoelastic fluids, Journal of the Royal Society Interface,
Vol. 14, (2017).
B. Thomases and R.D. Guy,
The role of body flexibility in stroke enhancements for finite-length
undulatory swimmers in viscoelastic fluids, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 825, 109-132 (2017).
O.L. Lewis and R.D. Guy,
Analysis of Peristaltic Waves & their Role in Migrating Physarum Plasmodia, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics,
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S. Zhang, R.D. Guy, J.C. Lasheras, and J.C. del Alamo,
Self-organized mechano-chemical dynamics in amoeboid locomotion of
Physarum fragments, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics,
Vol. 50, 204004 (2017).
C.A. Copos, S. Walcott, J.C. del Alamo, E. Bastounis,
A. Mogilner, and R.D. Guy,
Mechanosensitive adhesion explains
stepping motility in amoeboid cells, Biophysical Journal, Vol. 112, 2672-2682 (2017).
D.B. Stein, R.D. Guy, and B. Thomases,
Immersed Boundary Smooth
Extension (IBSE): A high-order method for solving incompressible flows
in arbitrary smooth domains, Journal of Computational Physics ,
Vol. 335, 155-178 (2017).
D.B. Stein, R.D. Guy, and B. Thomases,
Immersed boundary smooth
extension: A high-order method for solving PDE on arbitrary smooth
domains using Fourier spectral methods, Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 304, 252-274 (2016).
W. Strychalski and R.D. Guy,
Intracellular Pressure Dynamics in Blebbing Cells, Biophysical Journal, Vol. 110, 1168-1179 (2016).
O.L. Lewis, S. Zhang, R.D. Guy, J.C. del Alamo,
Coordination of Contractility, Adhesion and Flow in Migrating Physarum Amoebae, Journal of the Royal Society Interface,
Vol. 12, (2015).
W. Strychalski, C.A. Copos, O.L. Lewis, R.D. Guy,
A Poroelastic Immersed Boundary Method with Applications to Cell
Biology, Journal of Computational Physics, Vol 282, 77–97 (2015).
R.D. Guy and B. Thomases,
Computational challenges for simulating strongly elastic flows in biology, Complex Fluids in Biological Systems, 359-397 (2015).
C. Zhang, R.D. Guy, B. Mulloney, Q. Zhang, T.J. Lewis,
The Neural Mechanism of Optimal Limb Coordination in Crustacean Swimming, PNAS, Vol 111, 13840–13845 (2014). pdf
B. Thomases and R.D. Guy,
Mechanisms of elastic enhancement and
hindrance for finite length undulatory swimmers in viscoelastic
fluids, Physical Review Letters, Vol 113, 098102 (2014).
O.L. Lewis, R.D. Guy, and J.F. Allard,
Actin-myosin spatial patterns from a simplified isotropic
viscoelastic model, Biophysical Journal,
Vol 107, 863–870 (2014).
R.D. Guy, B. Philip, and B.E. Griffith ,
Geometric multigrid for an implicit-time immersed boundary method, Advances in Computational Mathematics, Vol 41, 635-662 (2015).
Q. Zhang, R.D. Guy, B. Philip,
A projection preconditioner for solving the implicit immersed boundary equations, Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications,
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J. Du, R.D. Guy, A.L. Fogelson,
An Immersed Boundary Method for Two-fluid Mixtures, Journal of Computational Physics, Vol 262, 231-243 (2014).
W. Strychalski and R.D. Guy,
A Computational Model of Bleb Formation, Math. Med. Biol., Vol 30, 115-130 (2013).
J. Du, R.D. Guy, A.L. Fogelson, G.B. Wright, J.P. Keener,
An interface-capturing regularization method for solving the equations
for two-fluid mixtures, Communications in Computational Physics,
Vol. 14, 1322-1346 (2013).
J. Du, J.P. Keener, R.D. Guy, and A.L. Fogelson,
Low Reynolds number swimming in viscous two-phase fluids, Physical Review E, Vol 85, 036304 (2012).
W. Strychalski and R.D. Guy,
Viscoelastic Immersed Boundary Methods for Zero Reynolds Number Flow, Communications in Computational Physics , Vol 12, 462-478 (2012). pdf
R.D. Guy and B. Philip,
A multigrid method for a model of the implicit immersed boundary equations, Communications in Computational Physics, Vol 12, 378-400 (2012).
G.B. Wright, R.D. Guy, J. Du, A.L. Fogelson,
A high-resolution finite-difference method for simulating two-fluid, viscoelastic gel dynamics, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 166, 1137-1157 (2011).
R.D. Guy, T. Nakagaki, and G.B. Wright,
Flow-induced channel formation in the cytoplasm of motile cells, Physical Review E, Vol. 84, 016310 (2011) . pdf
N.G. Cogan and R.D. Guy,
Multiphase flow models of biogels from crawling cells to bacterial biofilms, HFSP J., Vol. 4, 11-25 (2010).
R.D. Guy and D.A. Hartenstine,
On the accuracy of direct forcing immersed boundary methods with projection methods, J. Comput. Phys., Vol. 229, 2479-2496 (2010).
V. Camacho, R.D. Guy, and J. Jacobsen,
Traveling waves and
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G.B. Wright, R.D. Guy, and A.L. Fogelson,
An efficient and robust method for simulating two-phase gel dynamics, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., Vol. 30, 2535-2565 (2008). pdf
E.P. Newren, A.L. Fogelson, R.D. Guy, and R.M. Kirby,
A comparison of implicit solvers for the Immersed Boundary
equations, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech., Vol. 197, 2290-2304 (2008). pdf
R.D. Guy and A.L. Fogelson,
A wave propagation algorithm for viscoelastic fluids with spatially and temporally varying properties, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng., Vol. 197, 2250-226 (2008). pdf
A.L. Fogelson and R.D. Guy,
Immersed-Boundary-Motivated Models of Intravascular Platelet Aggregation, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng., Vol. 197, 2250-2264 (2008).
T. Nakagaki and R.D. Guy,
Intelligent behaviors of amoeboid movement based on complex dynamics of soft matter, Soft Matter, Vol. 4, 57-67 (2008).
R.D. Guy, A.L. Fogelson, and J.P. Keener,
Fibrin formation in a shear flow, Math. Med. Biol., Vol. 24, 111-130 (2007).
E.P. Newren, A.L. Fogelson, R.D. Guy, and R.M. Kirby,
Unconditionally stable discretizations of the immersed boundary
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R.D. Guy,
Asymptotic analysis of PTT type closures for
transient network models, J. Non-Newton. Fluid Mech., Vol. 123, 223-235
R.D. Guy and A.L. Fogelson,
Stability of approximate projection
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A.L. Fogelson and R.D. Guy,
Platelet-wall interactions in
continuum models of platelet thrombosis: Formulation and numerical
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R.D. Guy and A.L. Fogelson,
Probabilistic modeling of platelet aggregation: Effects of activation time and receptor occupancy, J. Theor. Biol., Vol. 219, 33-53 (2002).