Instructor: Professor Schultens
Lecture: MWF 12:10-1pm, Walker 1320
Final Exam: Friday, June 6, 1-3pm. No exceptions!
Text: Theodore Gamelin, Complex Analysis
Available in hardcover ($56), paperback ($40)
Sections Covered: Most of chapters I and II, portions of chapters IV, V, VI
Quiz I: Friday, April 11
Quiz II: Friday, April 25
Quiz III: Friday, May 9
Quiz IV: Friday, May 23
Quiz V: Friday, May 30 (optional)
Remark 1: There will be no make up quizzes or exams! (Neither before nor after the scheduled time. Only 4 out of 5 quiz scores count.)
Remark 2: No calculators allowed on quizzes and exams! No notecards allowed on quizzes and exams!
Remark 3: Final Exam: Friday, June 6, 1-3pm. No exceptions!
Grading Scheme: Quizzes 15% each (4/5 count), Homework 10%, Final 30%
Attendance: Is not mandatory, but be sure to read up on the material.
Student IDs: You must produce your student ID when requested to do so.
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