Professor, Mathematics
Faculty Member, Applied Mathematics, Mathematics, Computer Science (graduate programs/groups)
Faculty Member, UC Davis TETRAPODS Institute of Data Science (UCD4IDS)
Faculty Affiliate, UC Davis Center for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Research (CeDAR)
Faculty Affiliate, UC Davis DataLab
News & Events — Research — Publications — Math Software — Teaching — Other — Contact
My work is in mathematical optimization (integer programming), computational discrete mathematics, and mathematical software.
... on primal integer programming:
... on mixed-integer nonlinear optimization:
... on game theory and bilevel optimization:
... on enumerative combinatorics and number theory:
... a textbook and research monograph:
A gentle introduction and state-of-the-art reference to Graver bases, effective generating function methods, Gröbner basis methods, and Nullstellensatz and Positivstellensatz relaxations.
... more... (see also my Google Scholar profile and arXiv)
This software counts lattice points in rational polyhedra using state-of-the-art variants of Barvinok's algorithm, computes Ehrhart polynomials, volumes of polytopes and integrals of polynomial functions over polytopes, and computes the highest coefficients of weighted Ehrhart quasi-polynomials.
This software implements state-of-the-art algorithms for the computation of Graver bases, Hilbert bases, extreme rays of cones, toric Gröbner bases, Markov bases, and more.
This software implements an automated extremality test for piecewise linear functions (which are allowed to be discontinuous) and contains an electronic compendium of extreme functions.
In terms of authored commits, I am the #1 contributor of all time.
CV information can be found here.
University of California, Davis Department of Mathematics One Shields Avenue Davis, CA 95616 USA
Office: none Phone: none