Five new Davis Research Assistant Professors join the Department

by Abigail Thompson

Former Chair
Search Committee for Davis Research Assistant Professors

The Davis Research Assistant Professor program started in 1992. Its purpose is to attract first-rate researchers and teachers of mathematics to the department for a two to three year postdoctoral position. The first 'graduates' of the program finished up this year, going on to tenure-track positions at Vassar College, Cal. State Fresno, Cal. State Monterey and Louisiana State University.

Five new Davis Research Assistant Professors have joined us this year. They were the search committee's top choices, and we are delighted that they all agreed to come.

Here is a very brief description of each appointee:

Dr. Andrzej Banaszuk received a Ph.D. in engineering from the Warsaw Institute of Technology in 1989. He expects to receive his Ph.D. in mathematics from the Georgia Institute of Technology this June. His research area is control theory. He has expressed interest in working with Prof. A. Krener.

Dr. Josef Mattes received his Ph.D. from U.C. Berkeley this June. His area of research is quantum groups. He is interested in working with Prof. A. Schwarz.

Dr. Ramin Naimi received his Ph.D. from Caltech in June 1993. He spent 1992- 93 at the Technion in Haifa, 1993-94 at IHES, and he is currently a lecturer at the University of Texas at Austin. He works in low-dimensional topology, and is interested in working with Profs. J. Hass and A. Thompson.

Dr. Gregory Spradlin received his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin, Madison in January 1995. His research interests are in nonlinear partial differential equations. He is interested in working with Prof. A. Edelson.

Dr. Pol Vanhaecke received his Ph.D. in 1991 from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium). He spent 1992-93 at the Max-Plank Institute. Since 1993 he has been at the Universite des Sciences et Technologies de Lilles (France). His work is in integrable systems. He is interested in working with Prof. M. Mulase.

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