MAT280 - Winter 2011
Longest increasing subsequences and combinatorial probability

News and announcements

General Information

Instructor details: Dan Romik
Mathematical Sciences Building 2218
tel: 530-554-1498
For more information go to my home page
Lectures: MW 2:10-3:30 at MSB 3106
Office hours: F 3:10-4:00 (at my office, MSB 2218), or by appointment
Course description: Click here for the syllabus and prerequisites

Assignments and grading

The course will have no final exam. The grade will be based on your solutions to 3 homework sets which will be given out over the quarter, and on an additional assignment of writing some of the material covered in the class on Wikipedia. The exact details will be explained in class on the first meeting.

Reading material

I will make available detailed lecture notes covering the material presented in class.