Math 280: Selected topics in probability and combinatorics
UC Davis, Fall 2013
News and announcements
General course information
- Instructor: Dan Romik
- Lecture times and place: Tuesdays and Thursdays 3:10-4:30 in MSB 3106
- Office hours: By appointment (or feel free to just show up in my office, MSB 2218)
- Course description: Here is a syllabus.
- Textbook:
The course will be based on a textbook I am writing, which can be found here.
- Grading: The course will have no final exam. The final
grade will be based on two components:
- 3 homework problem sets that will be given out over the quarter.
- A final writing assignment.
This could take the form of either a traditional final paper, or a
Wikipedia-style article, on a subject related to the course material.
The goal with a Wikipedia-style article would be to actually publish
the article on Wikipedia and in this way contribute useful knowledge
on advanced mathematical subjects to the public domain.
- The first homework problem set is due on 10/24 and consists of the following parts:
- Solve problems 1.1(b), 1.6(b)-(d), 1.8, 1.9, 1.10 in the lecture notes.
- Compute the Young tableaux P,Q associated via the Robinson-Schensted
algorithm with the permutation (13,8,3,10,2,15,7,1,5,6,11,12,14,9,4).
- Compute the permutation associated with the Young tableaux
      P = (1 4 6 10 11 ; 2 5 7 ; 3 8 9),
      Q = (1 3 5 8 9 ; 2 4 10 ; 6 7 11)
of shape (5,3,3) (the semicolons denote separators between the rows of the tableaux).
- The second homework problem set is due on 11/14. Click here to download it (pdf).
- The third homework problem set is due on 12/5. Click here to download it (pdf).