199 - Undergraduate Research Projects -
Burnside's Formula
Participants: Andy Huang <axhu@ucdavis.edu>
12:10 - 1:00 Number Theory
1:10 - 2:00 Complex Variables
4:10 - 5:00 Your class
So, let's try to meet 3:10- 4pm Wednesdays (at least on trial basis).
Project: Understand various applications of Burnside's Formula, like on
this worksheet, and teX up handwritten
worksheets from a summer COSMOS course.
Braids on a cylinder
Participants: Ashley Huisman <aahuisman@ucdavis.edu>,
Dido Salazar-Torres <dsalazartorres@ucdavis.edu>
(occassionally Jeff Ferreira
Ashley Huisman
I've changed my schedule around a little.
Now I'm in class MWF 1:00-2:00, 3:00-5:00 but all other hours are ok.
Dido Salazar-Torres
My schedule on Wednesdays is as follows:
I'm free in the morning
I have classes from 12-2 and I am free from 2-4, and then I am also free after class.
Jeff Ferreira
the following available:
Mondays 12-1 and after 3
Tuesdays any time except 6-7PM
Wednesdays before 11
Thursdays before 12 or 2-4
Fridays before 11 or after 3
So, let's try to meet 2:10- 3pm Wednesdays (at least on trial basis).
Project: Create graphics of certain braids, and understand the
algebraic relations between them. Check commutation, check
conjugation. Possibly animate.
Resources: You might want to look at and/or read around pages 29-36 of
this paper on vanishing
integrals (by Rains and Vazirani).