The Bay Area Discrete Math Day, SPRING 2001
The Second BADMath Day will take place at San Francisco State University, April 14,
2001. As the
First BADMath Day, this one-day meeting hopes to facilitate the
between researchers and graduate students of discrete mathematics around
the San Francisco bay area. BADMath Days happen semi-annually where
we create a fairly informal atmosphere to talk about discrete
mathematics. The
term ``discrete mathematics''
is chosen to include at least the following topics:
Algebraic and Enumerative Combinatorics, Discrete
Geometry, Graph Theory, Coding and Design Theory, Combinatorial
Aspects of Computational Algebra and Geometry, Combinatorial Optimization,
Probabilistic Combinatorics, Combinatorics in Mathematical Physics, etc.
The Second BADMath Day will be held in the Blakeslee Room
on the top floor of Thurnton Hall, the building where
the Mathematics Department is. The Math department is on the ninth
floor of the building and you need to take the elevator to this
floor, and then walk one flight up to Blakeslee Room. There will
be clearly marked signs on the day of the meeting.
Andrei Okounkov from UC
Berkeley and
Günter Ziegler
from Technische Universität Berlin agreed to give one-hour talks.
The complete program of the meeting is below.
You can also read the abstracts in postcript
or in pdf format.
If you have questions please
contact the local organizer Serkan
10:00-10:50 am Günter Ziegler (Technische Universität Berlin and UC Berkeley)
"Combinatorial proofs for some Topological Combinatorics classics"
11:00-11:30 am Alper Atamturk (UC Berkeley )
"Polyhedral valid inequalities for mixed integer programming"
11:45 am-12:15 pm Jesus De Loera (UC Davis)
"Algebraic Unimodular Counting"
2:00-2:30 pm Francis Su (Harvey Mudd College)
"Fairness, fixed points, and a polytopal generalization of Sperner's lemma"
2:40-3:10 pm Zvezdelina Stankova-Frenkel (Mills College)
"A New Class of Wilf-Equivalent Permutations"
3:20-3:50 pm Christian Haase (UC Berkeley)
"Cross polytopes are extendably shellable"
4:30-5:20 pm Andrei Okounkov (UC Berkeley)
"Generic Macdonald polynomials"
6:00 pm DINNER
There will not be any registration fee,
but ALL participants are kindly requested to send us a message if you
plan to attend. Information on the area hotels
as well as on parking will be available on this web-page; for the
moment here are directions
to SFSU.
Sincerely, the steering committee:
Jesus A. De Loera
University of California at Davis
Serkan Hosten
San Francisco State University, San Francisco.
Isabella Novik
University of California at Berkeley
Tom Roby
Cal. State Hayward.
Bernd Sturmfels
University of California at Berkeley.