MAT 207B Methods of Applied Mathematics Reference Page (Winter 2025)

Lectures 1-3: Overture + Basics of Calculus of Variations
Lecture 4: The Isoperimetric Problem
Lecture 5: Natural Boundary Conditions
Lecture 6: Applications of Calculus of Variations to Data Interpolation and Approximation
Lectures 7-8: Basics of PDEs; String/Wave and Heat Equations
Lectures 9: The Potential/Laplace/Poisson Equations; Well-Posed vs Ill-Posed Problems
Lectures 10-11: Harmonic Functions; Dirichlet and Neumann Problems in Laplace's and Poisson's Equations
Lectures 12-14: Basics of Fourier Series
Lectures 15: Functions of Bounded Variations and Fourier Series
Lectures 16: Fourier Series on Intervals
Lectures 17-19: The Basics of L2 Theory
Lectures 20-21: Sturm-Liouville Theory
Lectures 22-24: Green's Functions, Compact Operators, the Spectral Theorem
Lecture 25: Eigenfunction Expansions

Please email me if you have any comments or questions!
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