News & Events

Theater performance on Emmy Noether

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Math in the Theater! Learn About Emmy Noether

On April 9, at 6pm, UC Davis will host a play on the life of Emmy Noether at our Wyatt Theater. The play, entitled "Diving into Math with Emmy Noether," is a joint production by portraittheater, Vienna and Freie Universität Berlin. The performance is part of portraittheater's USA Tour 2025, so don't miss this opportunity to see a play about a famous mathematician. Go as a group, a ring, or a noetherian ring!

Details on the event are on their web page here.

Tickets can be ordered online!

Upcoming Seminars

Fri, Mar 14, 2:10PM - PDSB 1025
Data & Dec. : Qixing Huang, UT Austin
Geometric Regularizations for 3D Shape Generation

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Principles of Community

The Mathematics Department is committed to the Principles of Community.