Modern Algebra
Sect A01
(CRN 36997)
Fall 2024
Monica Vazirani
Office: MSB 3224
Office Hours: 21c: Mon 4:00-4:20; Weds 4-4:20; Fri 4-4:20 in Giedt 1001 unless we get kicked out. 250b: Mon 4:20-5, Fri 4:20-5 likely in 3224 MSB but may still be in Giedt
Please check your course materials to see where and how office hours might be held.
Instructor's Home Page:
Office: MSB 3224
Office Hours: 21c: Mon 4:00-4:20; Weds 4-4:20; Fri 4-4:20 in Giedt 1001 unless we get kicked out. 250b: Mon 4:20-5, Fri 4:20-5 likely in 3224 MSB but may still be in Giedt
Please check your course materials to see where and how office hours might be held.
Instructor's Home Page:
General Syllabus: View the Department syllabus (revised 2012-08-01)
Note: The Department syllabi are advisory only. For details on a particular instructor's syllabus (including books), consult the instructor's course page.
Meeting Information:
Lecture: YOUNG 184, MWF 0410-0500 PM
Teaching Assistants:
Ian Sullivan
Office: MSB 2137
Office Hours: R 10am-12pm
Office: MSB 2137
Office Hours: R 10am-12pm
Final Exam Code:
Look this letter up in the UC Davis Course Guide: I
UC Davis Registrar, Final Exam Period Groupings
UC Davis Registrar, Final Exam Period Groupings
Students with Disabilities:
Any student with a documented disability (e.g. physical,learning,
psychiatric, vision, hearing, etc.) who needs to arrange reasonable
accommodations must contact the Student Disability Center (SDC).
Faculty are authorized to provide only the accommodations requested
by the SDC. If you have any questions, please contact the SDC at
530/752-3184 or