The Department regularly has both graduate and undergraduate courses featuring topics outside the regularly scheduled curriculum.
You can find more information on the MAT 280 Special Topics for the academic year here.
MAT 180 - Undergraduate
- Fairness and Privacy in Machine Learning - Spring 2025, Strohmer
- Combinatorics and Geometry via Linear Algebra - Winter 2025, Saito
- Combinatorial Representation Theory - Fall 2024, Schilling
- Linear Algebra over Finite Fields - Spring 2024, Vazirani
- Invitation to Classical Analysis - Winter 2024, Saito
- Modeling and Analytics for Operations Research - Fall 2023, Xu
- Knot Theory - Spring 2023, Zhang
- Topology of Low Dimensional Manifolds - Winter 2023, Starkston
- Mathematics of Deep Learning Algorithms - Fall 2022, Chandler
- Information Theory with Applications to Biology, Physics, and Machine Learning - Spring 2022, Chaudhuri
- Introduction to Computer-Assisted Theorem Proving - Winter 2022, Koeppe
- Curves on Surfaces - Fall 2021, Kapovich
- Geometric Representation Theory - Spring 2021, Carlsson
- Linear and Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations of Geophysical Fluid Dynamics - Winter 2021, Biello
- Manifolds - Spring 2020, Starkston
- Introduction to Physical Math - Winter 2020, Dimofte/Rangamani
- Finite Reflection Groups - Fall 2019, Vazirani
- Introduction to Analytic Number Theory - Spring 2019, Tracy
- Invitation to Classical Analysis - Winter 2019, Saito
- The Mathematics of Theoretical Physics - Fall 2018, Waldron
- Introduction to Analytic Number Theory - Spring 2018, Tracy
- Introduction to General Relativity and Shock-Wave Theory - Winter 2018, Temple
- Knot Theory and Low-Dimensional Topology - Fall 2017, Thompson
- Mathematical Algorithms for Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis- Spring 2017, Strohmer
- Analyzing Structural Molecular Biology Data Using Topological Methods (Word DOC) - Winter 2017. Arsuaga/Vazquez
- Surfaces - Fall 2016, Schultens
- Pursuit Games on Graphs - Spring 2016, Svilken
- The Power of Analysis - Winter 2016, Luli
- The Mathematics of Theoretical Physics - Fall 2015, Waldron
- Set Theory and the Continuum Hypothesis - Spring 2015, Hunter
- The Symmetric Group, Symmetric Functions and Computer Exploration- Winter 2015, Schilling
- Game Theory - Winter 2015, Morris
- Math of Theoretical Physics - Fall 2014, Waldron
- Surfaces and Classification - Winter 2010, Schultens
- Computational Geometry of Polyhedra (PDF)- Winter 2009, DeLoera
- Mathematics for Decision Making: An Introduction - Winter 2009, Koeppe
- Knot Theory: A Gentle Intro to Low-Dimensional Topology - Fall 2008, Thompson
- Special Topics - Fall 2007, Cheer
- Problem Solving - Winter 2007, Gravner
- Special Topics - Fall 2006, Duchin
- Mathematical Finance - Spring 2006, Wets
- Special Topics - Spring 2005, Wets
- Special Topics - Winter 2002, Diederich
MAT 280 - Graduate
- Mathematics of 3D Computer Vision and Imaging - Spring 2025, Shi
- Modular Forms- Winter 2025, Li
- Khovanov Homology & Related Invariants- Fall 2024, Zhang
- Moduli Spaces: Let’s Feel, Touch, and Build Them! - Winter 2024, Mulase
- Matrix Analysis with applications in Quantum Theory - Winter 2024, Nachtergaele
- Cluster Algebra - Fall 2023, Weng
- Morse and Cerf theory in low dimensional topology- Spring 2023, Islambouli
- Fairness, Privacy, and Trustworthiness in Machine Learning - Winter 2023, Strohmer
- Mathematics and COVID-19 - Fall 2022, Babson
- Counting Curves on Surfaces - Spring 2022, Granado
- Representation Theory of Semigroups and Applications - Winter 2022, Schilling
- Contact and Symplectic Topology - Fall 2021, Casals
- Complex Fluids with Applications to Biology - Spring 2021, Thomases
- Mathematical Foundations for Data Science - Spring 2021, Strohmer
- Knots, Surfaces, 3-manifolds - Winter 2021, Schultens
- The Mathematics of Quantum Information Theory-Winter 2021, Nachtergaele
- Geometric Theory - Spring 2020, Kapovich
- Complex Manifolds - Winter 2020, Jacob
- Harmonic Analysis on Graphs and Networks - Fall 2019, Saito
- Mathematical Foundations for Data Science - Spring 2019, Strohmer
- Stability and Singularity Formation - Winter 2019, Shkoller
- Quantum Probability - Fall 2018, Kuperberg
- Khovanov Homology - Spring 2018, Gorskiy
- The Probabilistic Method in Combinatorics - Fall 2017, Even-Zohar
- Experimental Mathematics - Spring 2017, Romik/Schilling
- Algebraic Curves and Degenerations (Word Doc) - Spring 2017, Osserman
- Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning - Spring 2017, Wolf
- QFT and Representation Theory - Winter 2017, Dimofte
- General Relativity - Winter 2017, Temple
- Topology of Data - Fall 2016, Tsuruga
- Mathematical Foundations for Big Data- Spring 2016, Strohmer
- Geometry & Topological Combinatorics with View Toward Applications - Winter 2016, De Loera
- Optimal Transport Theory and Applications - Winter 2016, Xia
- Random Knotting - Fall 2015, Arsuaga
- Lie Theory and Category O - Spring 2016, Slofstra/Vazirani
- Topics in Hyperbolic Geometry- Spring 2016, Tsvietkova
- Quantum Probability- Spring 2015, Kuperberg
- Macdonald Polynomials and Crystal Bases - Winter 2014, Schilling
- Concise Introduction to Modern Mathematics - Spring 2013, Schwarz
- Introduction to Shock Wave Theory - Winter 2013, Temple
- Algebraic Curves and Degenerations - Winter 2013, Osserman
- Quantum Probability - Fall 2012, Kuperberg
- Harmonic Analysis on Graphs & Networks - Fall 2012, Saito
- Quasisymmetric and Noncommutative Symmetric Functions - Fall 2012, Schilling
Click here to see more MAT 280 Special Topics
- Complex Fluids - Winter 2012, Thomases
- Introduction to Ramified Optimal Transportation - Fall 2011, Xia
- Geometric and Topological Combinatorics - Fall 2011, Klee
- Introduction to String Theory - Spring 2011, Latini
- Global and Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimization - Winter 2011, Koeppe
- Introduction to Riemannian Geometry and General Relativity - Winter 2011, Temple
- Longest Increasing Subsequences & Combinatorial Probability - Winter 2011, Romik
- Numerical Solution of Integral Equations - Winter 2011, Bremer
- Mathematical Classical Mechanics - Fall 2010, Bachmann
- PDEs and Nonlinear Waves - Winter 2010, Biello
- Introduction to Representation Theory with Applications to Probability - Winter 2010, Jones
- Hurwitz Numbers and Moduli Theory - Fall 2009, Mulase
- Applied Mathematics: Models and Methods - Spring 2009, Hunter
- Geometry and Analysis on Metric Measure Spaces - Spring 2009, Xia
- Coxeter Groups and Schubert Calculus - Winter 2009, Schilling
- Mathematical Introduction to Shock Waves - Winter 2009, Temple
- A Short Review in Modern Mathematics - Fall 2008, Schwarz
- Laplacian Eigenfunctions - Spring 2007, Saito
- Non-asymptotic Random Matrix Theory - Winter 2007, Vershynin
- Quantum Information Theory - Spring 2006, Kuperberg
- Quantum Groups and Crystal Bases - Winter 2006, Schilling
- Discrete Optimization - Fall 2005, DeLoera
- Topics in the Theory of 3-Manifolds - Spring 2005, Rubinstein
- Hecke Algebras and Orthogonal Polynomials RFG - Spring 2005, Vazirani
- Multivariate Analysis from a Random Matrix Theory Perspective - Winter 2005, Tracy
- Geometric Group Theory - Fall 2004, Kapovich
- Probability and Convexity - Fall 2004, Vershynin
- Applied & Computational Harmonic Analysis - Spring 2004, Saito
- String Theory and Theoretical Physics - Spring 2004, Waldron
- Computational Topology - Winter 2004, Hass
- Probability on Graphs - Winter 2004, Gravner
- Combinatorics and Representation Theory - Fall 2003, Schilling
- Measure Theory - Fall 2003, Strohmer
- Symmetric Functions - Spring 2003, Schilling
- Statistical Methods in Applied Math & Physics - Spring 2003, Chorin
- Numerical Methods for Integration and Interpolation - Spring 2003, Xiao
- Combinatorics - Winter 2003, Tracy
- Applied Harmonic Analysis - Fall 2002, Strohmer
- Computational 3-Dimensional Topology - Winter 2002, Hass
- Quantum Dynamics and Quantum Information - Winter 2002, Nachtergaele
- Computational Harmonic Analysis - Winter 2002, Saito