Syllabus Detail

Department of Mathematics Syllabus

This syllabus is advisory only. For details on a particular instructor's syllabus (including books), consult the instructor's course page. For a list of what courses are being taught each quarter, refer to the Courses page.

MAT 390: Teaching Assistantship Training

Approved: 2007-09-01 (revised 2010-07-01, Thomas Strohmer)
Fall, every year; 3 units; lecture
Suggested Textbook: (actual textbook varies by instructor; check your instructor)
Skemp, The Psychology of Learning Mathematics ($49, ISBN-10: 0140213104). Krantz, How to Teach Mathematics ($27).
Search by ISBN on Amazon: 0071393080
Graduate standing in the Department of Mathematics
Course Description:
Experience in methods of assisting and teaching of mathematics at the university level. Includes discussion of lecturing techniques, running discussion sessions, holding office hours, preparing and grading of examinations, student-teacher interaction, and related topics. Required of departmental teaching assistants.
Suggested Schedule:
Lectures Sections Topics/Comments
What does it mean to learn math? Implications. TA Rights and Responsibilities. Presentation by Student Services staff of Department of Mathematics.
What to look for in classroom visits. Videos of different teaching styles.
Office hours (Calculus Room). Running a discusssion section, invited experienced graduate students.
Preparing exams, grading.
Web page making/LaTeX and LaTeX2html
6 - 7
Introduction to WeBWork
How to prepare a good lecture.
Basic techniques of lecturing: Voice, blackboard techniques, involving students.
Sexual Harassment. Reports of visits to faculty lectures.
Reports of visits to faculty lectures
Socratic teaching (Student Academic Success Center)
Student code of conduct (Student Judicial Affairs). Reports of visits to faculty lectures
Reports on visits to discussion sections
Teaching for active involvement (Group work)
16 - 20
Student presentations

Major Assignments a. Give a ten-minute presentation (see part "e" below)

b. Form a group of three or four MAT 390 students and visit two lower-division classes. Write a detailed report on one of the visits and be prepared to give a group presentation to the 390 class on what you observed.

c. Build a course webpage.

d. Form a group of three or four MAT 390 students and visit discussion sections. Write a detailed report on one of the visits and be prepared to give a group presentation to the 390 class on what you observed.

e. Prepare an outline for a 1-hour class and use your outline to prepare a 10-minute talk out of the hour.

f. Summary paper (3 - 5 pages)

Reading We will be reading much of Skemp's, The Psychology of Learning Mathematics, Krantz's How to Teach Mathematics, together with handouts of several sections from an MAA publication, "Keys to Improved Instruction," and other handouts.

Reading - Initial assignments

Skemp, Chapters 1 and 12; Keys handout, pp. 183-184.

Krantz, Preface to Second Edition and pp. 1 to 18; Keys handout, 162-165.

Skemp, Chapters 2 and 3; Keys handouts, 166-167, 175-176.

Krantz, pp. 35-48 and 87-96.

Skemp, Chapters 4 and 5.

Krantz, essay by Davis, pp. 183-196.

Skemp, Chapter 6.

Krantz, essay by Uhl, pp. 253-260.