Department of Mathematics Syllabus
This syllabus is advisory only. For details on a particular instructor's syllabus (including books), consult the instructor's course page. For a list of what courses are being taught each quarter, refer to the Courses page.
MAT 207C: Methods of Applied Mathematics
Selected material from Chapters 1-4. Basic sections are listed below.
Asymptotic approximations (Chapter 1.1--1.5 and Appendix C)
Non-dimensionalization and scaling (2 lectures)
Regular versus singular perturbations (2 lectures)
- Introductory examples
- Algebraic equations
- Dominant balance and distinguished limits
Asymptotic expansions (2 lectures)
- Big "oh" and little "oh" notation
- Gauge functions
- Asymptotic versus convergent series
Asymptotic expansion of integrals (3 lectures)
- Integration by parts
- Laplace's method
- Stationary phase
Method of matched asymptotic expansions
(Chapter 2.1--2.3)
Initial layers (3 lectures)
- Inner and outer expansions and matching
- Fast/slow systems
Two-point boundary value problems (4 lectures)
- Boundary layers
- Matched asymptotic and composite solutions
- Examples
Method of multiple scales (Chapter 3.1--3.4)
Failure of regular perturbation theory (1 lecture)
- Secular terms
- Solvability conditions
Poincare-Lindstedt method for periodic solutions (3 lectures)
- Stretched variables
- Conservative systems
- Limit cycles
Multiple scale expansions (5 lectures)
- Forced/damped nonlinear oscillators
- Examples
WKB method (Chapter 4.1--4.2)
WKB solution and applications (2 lectures)
Total 27 Lectures