Our aim is to encourage and support women and girls to study mathematics and pursue related careers. The Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) Student Chapter goals include:
- Fostering a sense of community among women in the UC Davis Department of Mathematics
- Increasing the visibility of successful women in mathematics
- Promoting equal opportunity and equal treatment for women in math
- Providing a supportive environment to discuss issues relating to women in math
Our activities and planned activities include:
- Mentoring undergraduate math majors, especially women
- Performing outreach activities for students in primary and secondary schools
- Hosting talks by women in math, from both UC Davis and elsewhere
- Providing online resources for women in math
The AWM Student Chapter is open to everyone. In particular, we emphasize that we are open to all gender identities, and to faculty, researchers, and non-math majors, as well as to undergraduate and graduate math students. We currently meet every other Friday at 12:10pm in Room 2112 of the Mathematical Sciences Building (MSB). An updated schedule can be found on our website, along with further information and resources.