General Profile


Joel Hass

Distinguished Professor
Geometry and topology
Ph.D., 1981, University of California, Berkeley

Web Page:
Office: MSB 2222
Current Courses: MAT 147, MAT 185A
Office Hours: W 2-3 (147), W 3-4 (185A)


Selected publications

  1. J. Hass and R. Schlafly. "Double Bubbles Minimize," Annals of Mathematics, 151: 459-515, 2000, arxiv:math/0003157.
  2. J. Hass and J. Lagarias, "The number of Reidemeister moves needed for unknotting," J. Amer. Math. Soc., 14(2): 399-428, 2001, arxiv:math/9807012.
  3. J. Hass, I. Agol, and W.P. Thurston, "The Computational Complexity of Knot Genus and Spanning Area," Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 358: 3821-3850, (2005). arxiv:math/0205057.
  4. P Koehl, J Hass, Landmark-free geometric methods in biological shape analysis, Journal of The Royal Society Interface 12 (2015).
  5. C Even-Zohar, J Hass, N Linial, T Nowik, Invariants of random knots and links, Discrete & Computational Geometry 56 (2), 274-314 (2016).


  1. How to Ace Calculus: The Streetwise Guide, by Colin Conrad Adams, Joel Hass, Abigail Thompson. WH Freeman & Co., September, 1998.
  2. How to Ace the Rest of Calculus: The Streetwise Guide, by Colin Conrad Adams, Joel Hass, Abigail Thompson. WH Freeman & Co., September, 2001.
  3. Proceedings of the Kirbyfest. Held in Berkeley, CA, June 22-26, 1998. Edited by Joel Hass and Martin Scharlemann. Geometry & Topology Monographs, 2. Geometry & Topology Publications, Coventry, 1999. front matter+569 pp. (electronic). 57-06 (00B30).
  4. Thomas’ Calculus, 14th edition (with Thomas, Weir, Heil) Pearson, 2017.
  5. Thomas’ Calculus, 14th edition ET (with Thomas, Weir, Heil) Pearson, 2017.
  6. University Calculus, 4th edition (with Thomas, Heil, Bogacki), Addison-Wesley, 2019.

Last updated: 2019-10-26