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Bay Area Differential Geometry Seminar


Speaker: Bay Area Differential Geometry Seminar at MSRI in Berkeley
Location: 0 MSRI
Start time: Sat, Oct 23 2010, 10:00AM

The fall meeting of the Bay Area Differential Geometry Seminar will take place

October 23, 2010 10:00am -- 5:00pm MSRI

The lecturers are:

- Mohammad Ghomi, Georgia Tech ("Tangent cones and regularity of real hypersurfaces");

- Chris Croke, U. Pennsylvania & MSRI ("Examples of Riemannian metrics on spheres");

- John Lott, UC-Berkeley ("Geometrization of orbifolds via Ricci flow")

10:00am Coffee & Refreshments

11:00am First Lecture

12:00pm Lunch

1:45pm Organizational Meeting

2:00pm Second Lecture

3:00pm Coffee & Refreshments

3:30pm Third Lecture