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Research Opportunities at the National Laboratories and Industry, An Example: The Development of a High-Order Accurate Numerical Method for Modeling Problems that Arise in the Development of Ink Jet Printers
Student-Run Research SeminarSpeaker: | Prof. Puckett, Mathematics, UC Davis |
Location: | 693 Kerr |
Start time: | Mon, Oct 9 2000, 11:00AM |
I will describe a research program to develop high-order accurate numerical methods for modeling micro-scale jetting devices, such as ink jet print heads. This research program involves graduate students and post docs working in close collaboration with scientists at four companies - Xerox, 3M, MicroFab Technologies and Okidata - and several national laboratories.
My talk will be comprised of two parallel themes. On theme will be the a description of the research itself. The other will describe the nature of my collaboration with industry and national lab researchers, how these collaborations came about, why so many of the companies that develop products for ink jet printers are interested in this research and how graduate students and postdocs participate in the research program. I will follow with an overview of some of the open research problems which remain to be addressed in this area
I will end with a brief discussion of other opportunities available to students in mathematics at Davis who are interested in working on problems of interest to researchers in industry and at the national laboratories.