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Quantum curves and Hitchin systems
Mathematical Physics SeminarSpeaker: | Vincent Bouchard, University of Alberta |
Location: | 2112 MSB |
Start time: | Thu, Feb 20 2014, 4:10PM |
The spectral curve associated to a Hitchin fibration can be realized as a ramified covering of a genus g > 1 Riemann surface, whose degree r corresponds to the rank of the associated Higgs bundles. In a very interesting recent paper, Dumitrescu and Mulase showed that the spectral curves associated to Hitchin fibrations for rank 2 Higgs bundles are quantizable. They constructed the quantum curves explicitly via the Eynard-Orantin recursion. In this talk I will explain how the construction of the quantum curves can be generalized to Hitchin fibrations for Higgs bundles of arbitrary rank r. This is work in progress with Bertrand Eynard.
There will be a dinner.