Mathematics Colloquia and Seminars

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Sage Days 64

Special Events

Location: 1147 MSB
Start time: Tue, Mar 17 2015, 9:30PM

Sage Days 64, a conference devoted to improvement the open-source mathematical software SageMath (or Sage for short), will take place here in Davis from Tuesday, 3/17 to Friday, 3/20. Here is the current schedule of talks: Tuesday: * 10-11 AM - Nicolas Thiery: Introduction to Sage Development I * 11-12 AM - Franco Saliola: Introduction to Sage Development II Wednesday: * 10-11 AM - Vivien Ripoll & Jean-Philippe Labbe: Computing and displaying infinite root systems * 11-12 AM - Mark Shimozono: Implementation of double affine Hecke algebra in Sage Thursday: * 10-11 AM - Nathan Williams: Sage Days dim(V_p(A_3)) For more information, see the conference website: