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GGAM Miniconference

Special Events

Speaker: Bob Guy, Ying He, James Sharpnack, Andrew Sornborger, Mimi Tsuruga, Qinglan Xia, UC Davis
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Location: 1147
Start time: Sat, Feb 20 2016, 9:30AM

The 11th Annual GGAM Mini-Conference will convene on Saturday, February 20, 2016. The conference is a coming together between the group's faculty and its students in order to facilitate fruitful collaborations. In an informal forum, faculty will describe their research interests, giving students an opportunity to experience the broad directions available to them in applied mathematics. And though the conference is called "GGAM", our Math students are certainly encouraged to attend as well.

All first and second year graduate students in Applied Mathematics are strongly encouraged to register for the GGAM Mini-Conference. By doing so, registered students will earn one unit of credit.

Confirmed speakers:

Prof. Bob Guy, Mechanisms of Elastic Enhancement and Hindrance for Swimmers in Viscoelastic Fluids

Dr. Ying He, A Discontinuous Galerkin Method with a Bound Preserving Limiter for Stable Advection of non-Diusive Fields in Computational Geodynamics ​(30 minutes talk)

Prof. James Sharpnack, Signal processing over graphs (50 minute talk)

Dr. Andrew Sornborger, Information Processing with Neural Assemblies (50 minute talk)

Dr. Mimi Tsuruga, Random Discrete Morse ​(30 minutes talk)

Prof. Qinglan Xia, Ramified optimal transportation and its applications (50 minute talk)

The social part of the event, consisting of a conference reception and a dinner, will be held beginning at 5:00p in room 1147 of the Mathematical Sciences Building. Significant others and family members are welcome to join. RSVP is required; please indicate, with number of guests, to no later than 4:00p by MONDAY, February 15, 2015.