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Partial Differential Equations in Science and Engineering
Student-Run Research SeminarSpeaker: | Mohamed Hafez, UC Davis |
Related Webpage: | |
Location: | 2112 MSB |
Start time: | Thu, Oct 19 2017, 12:10PM |
In this seminar, I will introduce a new graduate course to be taught in Winter 2018.
MAE 298 Winter 2018 (4 Units) CRN 74744 Tuesday-Thursday 5:10-7:00 p.m. Bainer 1070
The Syllabus:
0. Introduction to P.D.E.'s and their applications.
Types of P.D.E.;s and the general behavior of their solutions.
Reduction techniques to O.D.E.'s
1.Taylor Series Expansions for vector functions of several independent variables.
2.Introduction to Calculus of Variations.
3.Fundamental Theorems of Calculus for vector functions of several independent variables.
Gauss and Stokes theorems. Reynolds Transport theorem.
4.Potential Theory.Scalar and Vector Potentials and their applications.
5.Maxwell's Equations of Electromagnetics.
6.Euler Equations and Conservation Laws for Inviscid Flows.
7.Nonlinear Dispersive Waves: Water Waves-Schrodinger Equation.
8.Navier-Stokes Equations of Viscous Fluid Flows with Heat Transfer.
9.Navier-Cauchy Equations of Elasticity.
10.Convection-Diffusion -Reaction Equations and Combustion Problems.
A letter grade will be based on a project for each student in his or her area.
If you would like to help us estimate how much pizza to order you can RSVP at this link, even if you aren't sure you can make it: