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Nonnegative \(C^2\) interpolation
Student-Run Research SeminarSpeaker: | Fushuai "Black" Jiang, UC Davis |
Location: | 3106 MSB |
Start time: | Thu, Jan 17 2019, 12:30PM |
In this talk, we consider the following extension problem of Whitney-type:
Supposed we are given a finite planar set with prescribed nonnegative values on this set. How do we decide the minimal \(C^2\) norm of all the globally nonnegative twice continuously differentiable functions (within an order of magnitude) that interpolate these values?
We hope to provide a two-fold answer. First, we want to come up with an algorithm to calculate the minimal norm. Second, we want a find a procedure to recover an interpolant that witnesses the minimal norm.
This is a joint work with Professor Kevin Luli.