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Boundary chiral algebras
Mathematical Physics SeminarSpeaker: | Tudor Dimofte, UC Davis |
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Location: | 2112 MSB |
Start time: | Fri, Jan 31 2020, 12:00PM |
I will discuss chiral algebras (a.k.a. vertex operator algebras) that arise in the "holomorphic twist" of 3d N=2 QFT's, both from an abstract structural perspective, and in specific examples of Landau-Ginzburg models and gauge theories. These are somewhat new algebraic objects, interesting from many perspectives. For example, these slightly exotic chiral algebras generalize the more familiar algebras of purely 2d conformal field theory. Alternatively, the bulk and boundary algebras of a 3d N=2 theory constitute a chiral analogue/uplift of bulk and boundary operators in the 2d B-model (a.k.a. polyvector fields and their modules, respectively). I will touch upon several such relations. Joint work with K. Costello and D. Gaiotto.