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A criterion for asymptotic sharpness in the enumeration of simply generated trees
Student-Run Research SeminarSpeaker: | Robert Scherer, UC Davis |
Location: | Zoom |
Start time: | Thu, Apr 23 2020, 12:10PM |
We study the identity $y(x)=xA(y(x))$, from the theory of rooted trees, for appropriate generating functions $y(x)$ and $A(x)$ with non-negative integer coefficients. A problem that has been studied extensively is to determine the asymptotics of the coefficients of $y(x)$ from analytic properties of the complex function $z\mapsto A(z)$, assumed to have a positive radius of convergence $R$. It is well-known that the vanishing of $A(x)-xA'(x)$ on $(0,R)$ is sufficient to ensure that $y(r)<R$, where $r$ is the radius of convergence of $y(x)$. This result has been generalized in the literature to account for more general functional equations than the one above, and used to determine asymptotics for the Taylor coefficients of $y(x)$. What has not been shown is whether that sufficient condition is also necessary. We show here that it is, thus establishing a criterion for sharpness of the inequality $y(r)\leq R$. As an application, we prove a 1996 conjecture of Kuperberg regarding the asymptotic growth rate of an integer sequence arising in the study of Lie algebra representations.