Mathematics Colloquia and Seminars

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March, April, May…March, April, May. A case study.

Special Events

Speaker: Lillian Pierce, Duke University
Location: Zoom
Start time: Tue, May 11 2021, 12:00PM

Our personal life and our intellectual life always exist in close proximity. This has been especially true since the start of the pandemic. As a result, the mathematical work I have been able to do during the pandemic has occurred in quite distinct stages, month by month. I will follow this chronology to lightly sketch a case study of how the pandemic has affected one mathematician’s work. By performing this case study, I hope to bring some relief of recognition to mathematicians who are being affected similarly, and also to reflect on what we can do next. A case study is a narrow exercise by definition, but we can use such exercises to ask bigger questions, set bigger goals, and establish new community practices with the potential to help anyone.

This lecture is hosted by the AWM. After a 45 minute talk, we will moderate a 30 minute discussion. The Zoom meeting ID is 933 9043 5049 password is MWA backwards.