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Global Virtual Sage Days 112.358
Special EventsSpeaker: | Tobias Diez, William Stein, Linden Disney-Hogg, David Ayotte, Trevor Karn, Yuan Zhou, Fredrik Johansson, Aaron Meurer, Gereon Kremer |
Related Webpage: | |
Location: | Zoom |
Start time: | Thu, Jun 2 2022, 7:00AM |
An online event on open-source mathematical software with the SageMath users and developers around the globe
Session 5: SageMath Developer Community and Google Summer of Code
Thursday June 2, 14:00–18:00 UTC. Session chair: Yuan Zhou
- Tobias Diez: New developer tools for Sage. I give an overview and demonstration of some recently introduced developer tools: Github Action Workflows complementing the existing Sagebot test infrastructure, and Gitpod serving as a (remote) developer environment for ticket reviews and as a main development infrastructure.
- Award Ceremony: Annual Spies SageMath Development Prize
- The prize committee: William Stein, Eric Gourgoulhon, John Cremona, Karl-Dieter Crisman, Samuel Lelièvre
- Onboarding session for new SageMath developers
- Reports from GSoC 2021 projects
- Linden Disney-Hogg: Rigorous integration and the Abel--Jacobi map. The Abel–Jacobi map is an important construction in algebraic geometry, including its application to the theory of integrable systems. I will give an overview of a recent implementation of the map in Sage, including some work on improving the integration required, highlighting current uses and future extensions.
- David Ayotte: Implementation of the Graded Ring of Quasimodular Forms. The goal of this talk is to explain how quasimodular forms were implemented into SageMath. We will first give a brief review of the theory of (quasi)modular forms and we will explain how the implementation works. Next a quick demo will be showcased. Lastly, further developments to the code will be discussed. )
- Trevor Karn: G-invariants of the Orlik–Solomon and Orlik–Terao algebras
- GSoC panel
Session 6: Symbolic System Symposium
Thursday June 2, 18:00–23:59 UTC. Session chair: Matthias Köppe
- Yuan Zhou: Solid angles of polyhedral cones via decompositions and power series
- Fredrik Johansson: FLINT: Fast Library for Number Theory. FLINT is a C library used in Sage and several other projects to provide fast arithmetic in various rings as well as efficient implementations of number theoretic functions. This talk will give an overview of FLINT and some descendants projects (Antic, Arb, Calcium), present recent work, and discuss ongoing and future development.
- Aaron Meurer: SymPy. This talk will go over the SymPy library, some of the recent developments, and plans for the future.
- Gereon Kremer: Satisfiability Modulo Theories for Arithmetic Problems. Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) solving has grown to be a very successful solving paradigm, powering software and hardware verification, symbolic execution, test-case generation, synthesis, planning, scheduling and optimization tasks. One of the theories in SMT solving is nonlinear real arithmetic which opens immediate connections to the computer algebra community that has long known this theory as the theory of the reals. This talk presents approaches for this theory that are used in the SMT community and discusses some existing and possible future collaboration between the SMT and computer algebra communities.
- Oscar Benjamin (SymPy)
- Discussion: Landscape of symbolic equation solver interfaces, symbolic assumption facilities