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A physicist's view on partial 3D shape comparison

Special Events

Speaker: Patrice Koehl, UC Davis (CS)
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Location: 1147 MSB
Start time: Fri, Dec 2 2022, 10:10AM

Scientists have access to a wide range of digital sensors that allow them to report at multiple time and length scales on the subjects of their studies. Finding efficient algorithms to describe and compare the shapes included in those reports has become a central problem in data science. Those algorithms have gained from developments in computational geometry and in machine learning. In this talk I will present another source of support to further improve those algorithms. Using techniques from statistical physics, I show that we can define a possibly partial correspondence between 3D shapes, with a cost associated with this correspondence that serves as a measure of the similarity of the shapes. I will illustrate the effectiveness of this approach on synthetic data as well as on real anatomical data.

This is a part of the first Joint CeDAR/UCD4IDS Conference.