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Towards a geometric proof of the Donkin's tilting tensor product conjecture
Student-Run Research SeminarSpeaker: | Yixuan Li, UC Berkeley |
Location: | 2112 MSB |
Start time: | Fri, Apr 21 2023, 12:00PM |
In the modular (char p) representation theory of algebraic reductive groups, the Frobenius twist is an important self-similarity of the category of representations. Geometrically this self-similarity is related to the embedding of the affine grassmannian, which is the based loop space of the reductive group, into itself as based loops that repeat themselves for p times. I'll explain an interpretation of the Donkin's tensor product conjecture for tilting modules as a consequence of this geometry and point out some potential ways to turn this into a proof. I'll also explain how to prove the quantum group version of the Donkin's tensor product theorem using this geometry.
Pizza at 11:50am