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Locality of higher-spin gravity in de Sitter vs. Anti-de Sitter space.
Mathematical Physics SeminarSpeaker: | Yasha Naiman, OIST |
Location: | QMAP/PSEL 3204 |
Start time: | Fri, Apr 28 2023, 12:10PM |
We consider higher-spin gravity in (A)dS_4, defined as the holographic dual of a free O(N) or Sp(N) vector model. At the quartic level, this theory has been judged non-local at distances greater than the (A)dS radius, due to a mismatch of massless (twist=1) exchange-type terms in its boundary OPE behavior. We review the non-locality argument, and note that it relies on a double-lightcone limit, which requires a Lorentzian boundary. In the Euclidean OPE limit, we demonstrate the absence of massless exchange-type non-localities of any spin, by inspecting a known formula for the bulk exchange diagrams in Euclidean AdS, and constructing upper bounds in which the spin-dependence factorizes from the position-dependence. Our results suggest that higher-spin theory is local (at distances greater than the curvature radius) in spacetimes with Euclidean boundary signature. For Lorentzian bulk, this implies locality in de Sitter space, as opposed to anti-de Sitter.