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Local Compatibility for Trianguline Representations
Student-Run Research SeminarSpeaker: | Lie Qian, Stanford University |
Related Webpage: | |
Location: | 2112 MSB |
Start time: | Wed, May 3 2023, 12:00PM |
Trianguline representations are a big class of $p$-adic representations that contains all nice enough (cristalline) ones but allow a continuous variation of weights. Global consideration suggests that the $GL_2(\mathbb{Q}_p)$ representation arising from a trianguline representation should have nonzero eigenspace under Emerton's Jacquet functor. We prove this result using purely local method as well as a generalization to $p$-adic representation of $G_F$ for $F$ unramified over $\mathbb{Q}_p$.
The talk will be on zoom, but pizza still available at 11:50am.