Mathematics Colloquia and Seminars

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Aligning your Goals with Actions

Graduate Success Seminar

Location: 1147 MSB
Start time: Mon, Jan 13 2025, 4:10PM

To know what to do, you need to first think about what you want, then you need to think about what needs to happen to accomplish that (and what doesn't need to happen). While this may sound obvious, we often do not take the time in real life to think all this through intentionally, and then get caught up feeling bad that we aren't where we want to be. In this seminar we will focus on the context of graduate school and next career steps. We will think through what are reasonable and concrete personal goals for the short and long term, what actions/steps you need to take to meet those goals, and what pitfalls and distractions to avoid.  Please bring something to write with. You will not be required to share if you don't want to.