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Fast Optimal Instruction Scheduling
Student-Run Research SeminarSpeaker: | Kent Wilken, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering UC Davis |
Location: | 593 Kerr |
Start time: | Thu, Jan 27 2000, 3:10PM |
This talk considers instruction scheduling, an important problem from the area of compiler optimization. The instruction scheduling problem is to order a computer program's instructions, while maintaining program correctness, such that the instructions execute in a minimum number of clock cycles. Because the instruction scheduling problem is NP-complete, existing compilers use heuristic-based methods to produce approximate solutions. We describe a new approach to instruction scheduling that produces optimal instruction schedules in a reasonable time for all the scheduling problems in the industry-standard SPEC benchmark suite. The new instruction scheduler increases total compile time by only 3%. The new instruction scheduling approach is based in part on a novel set of graph transformations and on a novel branch and bound technique.
This research is joint work with Jack Liu and Mark Heffernan.