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Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process(ASEP) and Two-species Exclusion Process.
Student-Run Research SeminarSpeaker: | Eunghyun Lee, UC Davis |
Location: | 2112 MSB |
Start time: | Wed, Nov 19 2008, 12:10PM |
The asymmetric simple exclusion process(ASEP) is a stochastic model for transport phenomena and the two-species exclusion process is the reaction-diffusion process. We will survey the ASEP and some two-species exclusion processes, and overview a technique to solve the equations describing the models. The ASEP and each of the two-species reaction-diffusion processes have their own boundary conditions which describe two-particle interactions. An idea from physics gives a method to obtain the probability of finding particles at sites at a given time. Also, I will introduce a special two-species exclusion process where each type moves in the opposite direction.
Pizza and soda.