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Unitary equivalence within gapped phases and locality estimates
ProbabilitySpeaker: | Sven Bachmann, UC Davis |
Location: | 1147 MSB |
Start time: | Wed, Jan 5 2011, 4:10PM |
The ground states of two Hamiltonians and are said to be in the same phase if there exists a smooth family of uniformly gapped Hamiltonians interpolating between the two systems. In this joint work with S.~Michalakis, B.~Nachtergaele and R.~Sims, we prove a general, non perturbative result that supports this definition, namely that it implies the unitary equivalence of the ground states. The latter can be implemented as an -dependent flow of unitaries that we construct explicitly. In the case where the Hamiltonians have a local structure, the analysis can be extended to the thermodynamic limit.