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stochastic optimization, pde's and a bagful of numerical tricks
Student-Run Research SeminarSpeaker: | Sergio Lucera, UC Davis Math Dept. |
Location: | 693 Kerr |
Start time: | Wed, May 23 2001, 1:10PM |
I will try to present the basic ideas in optimization and numerical solution of pde's that I have used in my thesis. All the ideas are fairly simple and require no previous background to be understood. The topics discussed will include <*> solution of *huge* linear systems (several million variables) <*> running software in parallel using the 42 processors available here <*> a Nietzschean approach to applied math: why I'm glad we don't have a teraflop computer to "just send our jobs and let it crunch away" The application/motivation of my project is the cleanup of contaminated soils, also known as groundwater remediation. I shall also discuss the details of it and current results.