Mathematics Colloquia and Seminars

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Meet and greet, show and share

Mathematics of Data & Decisions

Speaker: various people; programs are people, too
Start time: Tue, Jan 5 2021, 4:10PM

Happy New Year!

We begin the MADDD seminar with a very informal "meet and greet, show and share" meeting.

All participants, from beginning graduate students to faculty, are invited to:

Bring your (a) new favorite data set that you came across, (b) algorithm or other cool thing that you learned, (c) software that you are excited about, or (d) problem that you want to solve. Plan to share your screen and speak for 3 to 12 minutes.

It does not have to be "new" new – it will be new to a positive number of people in the audience.

If all fails, this quarter's organizer has threatened to explain more than anyone should want to know about Continuous Integration using GitHub Actions, SageMath software development, and Python packaging.