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Descent for sheaves with prescribed singular support
Student-Run Research SeminarSpeaker: | Daniel Chupin, UC Berkeley |
Location: | 2112 MSB |
Start time: | Wed, Apr 12 2023, 12:00PM |
In topology and geometry, we l having theorems that say things like:
"object on a space $X$ = object on a cover $Y$ + morphisms + compatibility"
These are called descent theorems. For example, in algebraic geometry, quasicoherent sheaves satisfy Zariski descent (where $Y$ is any open cover of $X$). Topology, too, has descent for sheaves over open covers. But there, an even funnier descent question exists: sheaves on a manifold $X$ have a notion of singular support---a closed subset of $T*X$ that projects down to the usual support---and so we can ask, is it possible for a descent theorem to hold for a closed cover of the singular support (but not changing the $X$!)? Very strange... but it is exactly this version of descent that matches Zariski descent under so-called toric mirror symmetry! In this talk, I would like to explore the idea of descent through examples, introduce a monadic formulation of descent, and illustrate "singular support descent" through the coolest theorem I know: toric mirror symmetry for $\mathbb{P}^1$ [FLTZ 2011]. Time permitting, I will also indicate a result with Peng Zhou on when such descent holds more generally.
Pizza at 11:50am