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Quantization and Homogeneous Spaces
Student-Run Research SeminarSpeaker: | Can Görmez, UC Davis |
Location: | 3106 MSB |
Start time: | Wed, May 1 2024, 1:10PM |
A contact form on an odd-dimensional manifold provides a background not only for the study of classical dynamics but also for the study of quantum dynamics. After briefly discussing this, I will state the quantization problem as finding a one-parameter family of connections on a vector bundle. Next, I will discuss how the quantization problem for Klein geometries can possibly be approached by utilizing their homogeneous geometry. If time permits, I will also touch upon the quantization of the seven-sphere with its geometry determined by a quaternionic homogeneous model.This is based on the work in progress with Subhobrata Chatterjee and Andrew Waldron.
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