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A hydrodynamic exercise in free probability: free Euler equations

Mathematical Physics Seminar

Speaker: Dan-Virgil Voiculescu, UC Berkeley
Location: 3024 QMAP
Start time: Mon, Jan 13 2025, 4:10PM

The Euler equations for a flow which preserves the Gaussian measure on Euclidean space can be translated in terms of Gaussian random variables, which raises the question about an analogue in free probability. We derive these "free" Euler equations by applying the approach of Arnold fpr Euler equations to a Lie algebra of infinitesimal automorphisms of the von Neumann algebra of a free group. We then extend the equations to non-commutative vector fields satisfying certain weaker non-commutative smoothness conditions. We also introduce a cyclic vorticity and show that it satisfies appropriate vorticity equations and that it gives rise to a family of conserved quantities.