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Are $L^\infty$ solutions to hyperbolic systems of conservation laws unique?

PDE and Applied Math Seminar

Speaker: Sam Krupa, École normale supérieure
Location: Zoom
Start time: Thu, Jan 30 2025, 2:10PM

For hyperbolic systems of conservation laws in 1-D, fundamental questions about uniqueness and blow up of weak solutions still remain even for the apparently “simple” systems of two conserved quantities such as isentropic Euler and the p-system. Similarly, in the multi-dimensional case, a longstanding open question has been the uniqueness of weak solutions with initial data corresponding to the compressible vortex sheet. We address all of these questions by using the lens of convex integration, a general method of constructing highly irregular and non-unique solutions to PDEs. Our proofs involve computer-assistance. This talk is based on joint work with László Székelyhidi, Jr.