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The converse to Eisenstein's last theorem

William Thurston Lectures

Speaker: Daniel Litt, University of Toronto
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Location: 1147 MSB
Start time: Thu, May 15 2025, 3:10PM

My first talk explains the classification of algebraic solutions to some very special algebraic differential equations. In this second talk I'll explain a conjectural classification of algebraic solutions to arbitrary algebraic differential equations, generalizing the Grothendieck-Katz $p$-curvature conjecture, and some evidence for this conjecture obtained in joint work with Josh Lam. Loosely speaking, the conjecture says that a solution to a (possibly non-linear!) algebraic differential equation is algebraic if and only if only finitely many primes appear in the denominators of the coefficients of its Taylor expansion at a non-singular point; the "only if" direction was proved by Eisenstein in 1852. We prove the conjecture for some broad classes of algebraic differential equations--including the Painlevé VI equation and Schlesinger system--and initial conditions of algebro-geometric interest.